
Showing posts from March, 2011

in Jenkins is there a way to minimize the jobs listing in the board? -

situation: sometimes simplify task, split in tree parts simplify code. problem: now quantity of jobs in board starting excessive since jobs splitted in 5 parts. this, build flow should in dashboard : solution: i know can create folder each job, have else in mind. possible have build flow 5 parts (subjobs), , build flow (masterjobs) in dashboard, , 5 subjobs existing within build flow? can add infinity number of subjobs want within flow , can access them through there? for example, way find subjob 1 5 in flow (masterjob), manage them? i'm not sure if it's clear, if it's not i'll edit again. there view job filter plugin in simplest form allows jobs filtered regular expression. from link: regular expression job filter with large organization , hundreds of jobs, become annoying , time-consuming try keep views organized. regular expression job filte...

Subversion - How to disable the requirement of commit message in svn? -

how disable requirement of commit message in svn? i don't mean pre-commit hook insert 1 space empty message . mean disable requirement in server configuration. there no server-side default requirement commit messages @ all. way control either server-side pre-commit hook or client-side settings. svnbook | repository maintenance : on validation side of things, start-commit , pre-commit hooks used allow or disallow commits based on various criteria: author of commit, formatting and/or content of log message describes commit, , low-level details of changes made files , directories in commit.

Set hibernate naming strategy as Spring bean -

i have spring-boot application hibernate. want provide custom namingstrategy add prefix every table managed hibernate. i found can use property: spring.jpa.hibernate.naming_strategy=com.whatever.mynamingstrategy this works fine except want have prefix dynamic based on properties. goal have like: @component public class prefixnamingstrategy extends defaultnamingstrategy { private final string prefix; @autowired public prefixnamingstrategy(@value("db.table.prefix") string prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } @override public string tablename(string tablename) { return prefix + super.tablename(tablename); } } obviously doesn't work property. i tried provide custom sessionfactory and provide namingstrategy there had no luck - bean created after hibernate initialized , doesn't seem used: @autowired @bean(name = "sessionfactory") public sessionfactory getsessionfactory(datasource datasource) { lo...

in app purchase - How to recognize a user uniquely on android when implementing server-side provisioning of a in-app billing product? -

i implementing provisioning consumable in-app billing product. product 1000 coins 50p. once consume 1000 coins , want provision them user , track usage. decided store "usage-count" each user in record on server. don't want make user login app. there standard way of recognizing user/app instance uniquely purpose ? popular way of doing ? there 2 ways distinguish unique users first identify user account user-name , password. , if app don't have login module , can still identify installation of app on device bases saving unique device id on server. refer following link identify unique installation of app per device.

firstorcreate is not working for new entry laravel -

i new laravel , using ardent creating models, have below base class model. class mainmodel extends ardent { //with common methods } and have sub model class such user class user extends mainmodel { //with user table , other methods related user } and have repository user ->user repository , calling firstorcreate method check(user entry) , create user. if user exists in database above method working fine ,its returning existing user object if user not exists in database not creating user not inserting entry doing wrong here? you need save user after calling firstorcreate() : $user->save(); you may want check if user doesn't exist before that: if (!$user->id) $user->save(); mvc - Without using separate link, I want to make item name in a list as a link -

@html.displayfor(modelitem => item.coursecategory) @html.actionlink("details", "details", new { id = }, new { @class = "newbutton_view" }) the above code segment in view. course names displaying , when details link clicks shows course details of selected course. want use course name link in-spite of using keyword link.

Multicore usage in Spark and Scala and memory sharing -

i'm new spark, scala , have few questions - when set master local[2] , mean that, whenever perform ... ).collect() , map function execute on 2 cores? following on 1, optimal if number of items in rdd equal number of cores? (so each map done in 1 core.) how memory shared if reuse values? i.e. val conf = new sparkconf().setmaster("local["+cores+"]") val sc = new sparkcontext(conf) // in practice following sparse matrix want shared between threads val myhugevalue = 100 // in practice following interact myhugevalue sc.parallelize(array.range(0, cores)).map(myhugevalue + _).collect() in above, myhugevalue copied each mapper function uses myhugevalue ? if so, how change impl doesn't copied over? edit 1: to more specific 2., suppose there 10 nodes or worker cores in cluster, won't processing done efficiently if data split 10 parts such each node can process batch? there reason split data smaller chunks , increase network overhe...

How to compile MobileFirst 'apps' for specific envirronment? -

i trying compile mobile applications using 'ant' task shown below <target name="target-name"> <app-builder worklightserverhost="localhost:9080" applicationfolder="/home/apps/clsdashboard" environments="desktopbrowser,ipad" nativeprojectprefix="" outputfolder="bin/" /> </target> but errors shown below build failed /home/clsapp/build_apps_and_adapters.xml:14: failed building application: trying build ios environment, required attribute 'nativeprojectprefix' missing. add 'nativeprojectprefix' attribute project name value <app-builder> task , re-run script. though can understand error how avoid building apps other environments (or) otherwise want compile 'apps' 'desktop' , 'ipad' since you're attempting build ios environment (ipad...) need specify value nativeprojectprefix property. val...

objective c - WatchKit Page-based navigation willActivate called twice -

i understand willactivate called on next 'not displayed' view in order allow prepare content. i need know when page going displayed in order send information iphone, , ignoring first willactivate call , on second 'know' on screen. however, if user flicks through pages (just skipping preloaded 1 enough), willactivate called once , test doesn't work. how can accurately know when page going on-screen sure (like viewwillappear: ), , has achieved this?

java - Gradle import of app resources not successful in IntelliJ or Android Studio -

i imported gradle project. the app module has 4 folders inside foo moo app boo moo folder has resources google play , boo folder has resources custom table device both flavours inside app module settings. this error get: error:(165, 45) gradle: no resource found matches given name (at 'background' value '@drawable/send_phone'). error:(70, 39) gradle: no resource found matches given name (at 'layout_width' value '@dimen/size_236dp'). the error references either @drawable or @dimens for example send_phone.png inside boo/res/drawable-nodpi somehow not included in project also, boo/res/valuse has dimens xml dimension any suggestions how this? what do: check resources make error in folder of module requires them (maybe not importing module resources 1 requires resources). clean project , rebuild project (i guess did). delete manually generated files in folder ...

android - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError on String.replace -

i have 1 text file contains 234 lines of string1@string2@string3. kya@きゃ@キャ kyu@きゅ@キュ kyo@きょ@キョ sha@しゃ@シャ shu@しゅ@シュ 234 lines i writing converter converts word string2 or string3 word string1. inputstream = context.getresources().openrawresource(r.raw.kanatoromaji); inputstreamreader isr = new inputstreamreader(is); bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(isr); string line; try { while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { string[] parts = line.split("@"); string romaji = parts[0]; string hiragana=parts[1]; string katakana = parts[2]; if (hiragana!=null&&word.contains(hiragana)) { word = word.replace(hiragana, romaji);//in line getting outofmemory error } if (word.contains(katakana)) { word = word.replace(katakana, romaji); } } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } i calling method many times (200k-300k times in 1 run). causing err...

arrays - Ruby - variable is incremented in one place, but shows as default in another -

i declare $a, , later, in loop, increment , pass widget, however, when @ output widget generating, $a perpetually 1. how can math stored in array work loop-incremented $a? please excuse newbie code smell- also, dumbed-down version of building, attempt @ solving project euler #128 $a = 1 $arr = $step1 = [1, $a-1, -1] $step2 = [$a+6, -5, 2] def widget(t,u,v) t.each |math| $arr.push (v+math)/u end end (1..100).each |num| if num % 2 == 0 $a += 1 end if [something] widget($step1,$a,num) elsif [something else] widget($step2,$a,num) end the use of global variable makes pretty difficult read code, noted $step1 , $step2 evaluated before $a increment, value constant, computed $a == 1: $step1 = [1, 0, -1] # [1, (1)-1, -1] $step2 = [7, -5, 2] # [(1)+6, -5, 2] if not desired behaviour, should move these 2 statements before if [something] or transform...

Aternative to storing settings in hashmap of the object data type in java? -

alternative storing settings in hashmap of object in java? private static hashmap<string, object> settingsmap = new hashmap(); public static void addsetting(string name, object value) { settingsmap.put(name, value); } public static object getsetting(string name) { return settingsmap.get(name); } public static void setsetting(string name, object value) { settingsmap.replace(name, setting); } the properties class option that. stores values strings. if feasible in scenario, easy feature save , load properties from/to file via single method calls.

java - Is it possible to isolate db table from read operations in transaction? -

i'm writing java app(spring data/hibernate/jpa), should work mysql db. have simple task, should atomic: 1. retrieve first item database 2. bind item current user(update item set user_id=current_user_id id=id) i've put 500ms pause between these 2 steps test against concurrency , run in transaction. transaction exists, @ least rollbacks if throw exception in code. atomicity doesn't work want to, 500ms pause following situation: user1 starts transaction user1 retrieves first item - item1 user2 starts transaction user2 retrieves first item - item1 user1 updates item1 user1 commits transaction user2 updates item1 user2 commits transaction is there way isolate table user2's read/write queries while user1 in transaction? should db level transaction allow 2 instances of app on different servers. you shoiuld either use select update lock or introduce versions on hibernate level (read optimistic lock here ).

javascript - Bootstrap modal window behind other page content -

i'm having difficulties after deploying locally developed site live server. modal windows appearing behind other page content on live server (they work fine on local version). i've tried modifying z-index values , positioning, neither seems have effect. here's 1 of pages in question try moving modal outside of list. modal's z-index isn't working when nested that. put modals @ bottom of html, right before load in scripts.

c# - Why does changing the name of an Entity change program behavior? -

i have code first ef model setup, , experimenting adding records using both entities , id values. not shown here, "above" code setup , added context other entities (eg, ucarparents, ualice, etc) then hit block of code. note time call context.savechanges() 1 @ end of block. var uba = new list<userbooleanattribute> { new userbooleanattribute {userattribute= ucarparents, user = ualice}, new userbooleanattribute {userattribute = ucarteens, user = ubob}, new userbooleanattribute {userattributeid = 3, userid = 1}, new userbooleanattribute {userattributeid = 4, userid = 2} }; uba.foreach(ua => context.userbooleanattributes.add(ua)); context.savechanges(); savechanges works, assertions pass. pointed out me name of userbooleanattribute should projectbooleanattribute . changed , fk exception on savechanges. somewhat perplexed, put savechanges() above block , started working...

Stop casting/disconnect box is tiny on my Android Cast app -

i'm familiarizing myself google cast sdk building small test application, following cast sdk android guide . i've created standard actionbaractivity -based app guide suggests (even though actionbaractivity deprecated... shrug ) i've added library dependencies, added necessary xml androidmanifest.xml , menu_main.xml , using mediarouteactionprovider handle device detection , show/hide cast button in action bar. working well, , "connect device" box appears should when tap cast button. however, when tap cast button again disconnect, "stop casting" box appears unusually small. the box supposed wide enough show volume bar -- in super-small version, volume slider in fact show unusably small. compare supposed like, example in youtube app shown below. any idea going on here? using exact code cast sdk android guide uses (the addition being custom button s onclick listeners control media playback , start casting several different test streams ...

sql server - SQL retrieving data from quarters -

i'm new in sql. practicing , came on this. how retrieve total number of sales during first, second, third , fourth quarter separately. know i'm not providing work from, understand logic , functions can used it. you use sum() give total aggregate of dollar amount of sales, , count(*) total count of sales. far breaking down further (such quarter), need provide more information far how data structured.

authentication - django authenticate with passing token -

i have problem authentication of huge amount of users 9000 users implementing open edx solution company , open edx using django framework , company going implement solution them have own authentication system users logs in , system creates access token , best solution pass token generated system our django authentication verify user access process of doing kind of confusing need of has experience of doing before

c# - "FormatException" not thrown when ToInt32() method has invalid argument type -

1) class program { static void main(string[] args) { int a; = convert.toint32( "a" ); console.write(a); } } i formatexception message: input string not in correct format . , quite understood. 2) class program { static void main(string[] args) { int a; = convert.toint32( ); console.write(a); } } in second case, can type characters, example abc , displayed in console. question: why doesn't throw formatexception in second case , why works non int characters? update with console.readline() method, returns string type, not trown formatexception , printed character in console successfully. class program { static void main(string[] args) { int a; = convert.toint32(console.readline()); console.write(a); } } the return type of int . you call convert.toint32(int) : returns specified 32-bit signed inte...

JavaScript - Canvas won't Show Image -

this code suppose show image import can't figure out why doesn't work. thank help. var app = new fotoprint(); function fotoprint() { this.init = function() { = new image(); = function () { this.canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); this.ctx = this.canvas.getcontext("2d"); this.ctx.clearrect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.ctx.strokestyle = "black"; this.ctx.linewidth = 2; this.ctx.strokerect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.ctx.drawimage(,0,0); }; = "images/allison1.jpg"; }; }; app.init(); it's scope issue, why tend name variable scope when i'm getting around (other people use that mentioned in answer, or else, doesn't matter). all creates new variable isn't used anywhere else. unlike this special keyword reference object in current scope. t...

r - Element wise mean from data frame -

i have data frame 3 columns , 16 rows. each element has values row1 values (0.9, 0.9, 1.0), (0.7,0.9, 1.0), (0.9, 0.9, 1.0). want element wise mean e.g., (0.9+0.7+0.9/3), (0.9+0.9+0.9/3), (1.0+1.0+1.0/3) , store result new column. suggestions? sho1 sho2 sho3 1 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 2 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 expected out row1: 0.7+0.9+0.7/3, 0.9+0.9+0.9/3, 1.0+1.0+1.0/3 based on dput output op (in comments), found columns in 'df1' not 'strings'. infact each element of each column list . so, instead of doing strsplit (as suggested earlier), loop through columns lapply , rbind list elements ( ). output 'list' contains 'matrix' list elements. can use reduce take elementwise sum ( reduce('+', .. ), , divide length of list i.e. 3. the matrix output ('m1') can pasted rowwise ( ...

create dynamic frameset and frame with javascript -

i've problem dynamic creation of frameset , frame, i'm write these simple script: function createframe(){ var ahead = document.head; var mainfs = document.createelement('frameset'); mainfs.setattribute("name", "mainframeset"); mainfs.setattribute("id", "mfs"); mainfs.setattribute("cols", "50,*"); ahead.appendchild(mainfs); ( var = 0; < 2; i++) { var ifrm = document.createelement("iframe"); ifrm.setattribute("src", ""); document.getelementbyid('mfs').appendchild(ifrm); } and put in head of blank html page, won't work! any suggestion? you're appending frameset head of html file, nothing appear. function not working, because it's not closed yet, "}" missing @ last. need add event listener, : window.addeventlistener(...

autosys - One Atosys job to run on 2 machines -

i have 2 windows machines , 1 unix machine. on unix machine autosys jils defined. have 1 cleanup job, want run on both windows machine @ same time every day. don’t want create 2 different jobs (jil’s). in jil can add 2 machine names machine: windowmachine1, windowmachine2 , correct or there other way this? defining multiple machines single virtual entity cause autosys treat them pool , load balance when sending them work, causing cleanup job run on 1 of 2 machines. to have job run on both machines simultaneously, need 2 separate cmd jobs, 1 sent each machine.

javascript - Change iDisplayLength in wpDataTables -

on my site using plugin wpdatatables (based on jquery datatables). example, when type hb search field, 10 results (prices) need 6 . so want change idisplaylengt h 10 6 it's not working suggested @ here front-end callbacks via js . possible via these front-end callbacks? watch video on using filters , actions author of wpdatatables explains how want. basically need add following code functions.php of wordpress theme. please note code affect tables on site. if want target specific table need change idisplaylength param when $table_id equals table id. function mytheme_wpdatatables_filter_table_description($object, $table_id){ $object->datatableparams->idisplaylength = 6; return $object; } add_filter('wpdatatables_filter_table_description', 'mytheme_wpdatatables_filter_table_description', 10, 2);

ruby - Does a variable know of the array its in? -

if variable inside array, can find array variable? or variable have no knowledge of data structure it's inside? just wondering if following possible (the pseudo code v 's its_array method): array = [:a, :b] array.object_id #=> 11709100 array_from_inside = [] |v| v.its_array.object_id #=> 11709100 11709100 array_from_inside = v.its_array #=> [:a, :b] [:a, :b] end array_from_inside.object_id #=> 11709100 array_from_inside #=> [:a, :b] first off, don't put variables in arrays. put objects in arrays, , variables aren't objects in ruby, cannot put them in arrays. in fact, since variables aren't objects in ruby, pretty cannot anything them. ruby object-oriented language, whenever want or something, either calling method on thing or passing thing argument method. can call methods on objects , can pass objects arguments, , variables aren't objects, cannot of that. can 2 things variables: assign them , dereference them...

java.lang.ClassCastException in SonarQube analysis after Java Plugin upgrade to version 3.4 -

after upgrading sonarqube java plugin version 3.4 analysis fails followin error: [error] failed execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.4:sonar (default-cli) on project machweb: sonarqube unable analyze file : 'd:\jenkins\workspace\dvlp mw1.0 coverage und codeanalyse\ejbs\src\mach\logistik\entities\': cannot cast -> [help 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.lifecycleexecutionexception: failed execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.4:sonar (default-cli) on project machweb: sonarqube unable analyze file : 'd:\jenkins\workspace\dvlp mw1.0 coverage und codeanalyse\ejbs\src\mach\logistik\entities\' @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojoexecutor.execute( @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojoexecutor.execute( @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojo...

html - bind modal to row click in datatable -

helo, have datatable contains data database. in each row there details button. want on button click open modal details of clicked rows. tried create instance of modals each row on page load slowing down website. there way populate modal according row id? this table <table id="tblmessagesdetail" class="table table table-hover table-striped table-condensed export-table" style="width: 100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th> @*@html.displaynamefor(model => model.smslist[0]*@ @viewres.sharedstrings.smsid </th> <th> @*@html.displaynamefor(model => model.smslist[0]*@ @viewres.sharedstrings.customername </th> <th> @*@html.displaynamefor(model => model.smslist[0]*@ @viewres.sharedstrings.projectname </th> ...

java - ListView in TabHost -

i'm trying put listview (existing list named siteslist) in tabhost when run app, closes (without code tabhost app works), here code: public class mainactivity extends tabactivity { private sitesadapter madapter; private listview siteslist; private static final string noutati = "noutati"; private static final string favorite = "favorite"; private static final string profile_spec = "profile"; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); log.i("stacksites", "oncreate()"); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); tabhost tabhost = gettabhost(); tabspec inboxspec = tabhost.newtabspec(noutati); intent inboxintent = new intent(this, noutati.class); inboxspec.setcontent(inboxintent); tabspec outboxspec = tabhost.newtabspec(favorite); //intent outboxintent = new intent(this, ou...

xcode - Use of unresolved Identifier when using for loop in Swift -

i new programming swift , confused why program not recognise have labeled "test", claiming unresolved. import uikit var rainfall = [38,94,142,149,236,305,202,82,139,222,178,103] var raindays = [3,6,8,7,12,16,10,8,12,14,11,7] let crit_raindays = 11 let et_raindays_lessthan_11 = 150 let et_raindays_morethan_11 = 120 let max_h2ostore = 150 var evap_transpiration: [int] = [] in raindays { if <= 11 { var test = et_raindays_lessthan_11 } else if > 11 { var test = et_raindays_morethan_11 } evap_transpiration.append(test) } the variable test not seem assigned properly, have no idea why. error message: use of unresolved identifier "test" when declare local variable in swift, accessible after declaration , in the same scope. in sample code: first declaration accessible inside first if statement, , second declaration accessible inside second one. correct way is: for in raindays { var test = 0 if <= 11...

Bootstrap HTML Validator Warning: Element nav does not need a role attribute -

i have insert menu in index: <nav id="mainmenu" class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"> but when try validate (in local) validator.w3 tell me: warning: element nav not need role attribute. i can't find solution, can me? delete role="navigation" . the <nav> element has semantics of being navigation. don't need add them role attribute. saying "this navigation element navigation" redundant , silly. <nav id="mainmenu" class="navbar navbar-default">

Css in Rails 3.2 Agile Web Development -

i have use rails 3.2 cause of hosting. however, installed gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails" and have copyed css the book agile web development rails, 4th edition, rails 3.2 (the pragmatic programmers) - 2011 of layout of app. put here: c:\bitnami\chiarini\app\assets\stylesheets /* * manifest file that'll compiled application.css, include files * listed below. * * css , scss file within directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can referenced here using relative path. * * you're free add application-wide styles file , they'll appear @ top of * compiled file, it's better create new file per style scope. * *= require_self *= require fullcalendar *= require_tree . */ #banner { background: #9c9; padding: 10px; border-bottom: 2px solid; font: small-caps 40px/40px "times new roman",...

sorting - Unix sort issue -

can explain why unix sort output differs when delimiter comma',' , pipe '|' i know applying numeric sort on alphanumeric column think output should not differ when delimiter either comma or pipe. file comma delimiter: $cat file.txt 1,1400002827,002,dc19183529 2,1400002827,002,dc19183500 3,1400004243,001,dc17458621 4,1400008953,004,1459345892 5,1600009991,001,dc17458621 6,1600009991,001,dc17458621 7,1600009991,001,dc17458659 8,1600009991,003,dc17458789 $sort -t, -nuk2,4 file.txt 1,1400002827,002,dc19183529 3,1400004243,001,dc17458621 5,1600009991,001,dc17458621 8,1600009991,003,dc17458789 4,1400008953,004,1459345892 modified same file have delimiter pipe '|' $cat file.txt 1|1400002827|002|dc19183529 2|1400002827|002|dc19183500 3|1400004243|001|dc17458621 4|1400008953|004|1459345892 5|1600009991|001|dc17458621 6|1600009991|001|dc17458621 7|1600009991|001|dc17458659 8|1600009991|003|dc17458789 $sort -t'|' -nuk2,4 file.txt 1|1400002827|002...

android - How to animate change of background from one point -

i have button in activity. when click on it, want background color of activity change point clicked whole activity. should change circular animation starts @ point touched screen , expands until fills screen. way of doing this? you can use material animation library , this default enter animation what happening step step is: shared orange box transitioning mainactivity detailsactivity. detailsactivity background viewgroup visibility starts invisible. <relativelayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:id="@+id/backgroundviewgroup" android:visibility="invisible" ... after sharedelemententertransition ends circularreveal animation takes place making background viewgroup visible. transition entertransition = getwindow().getsharedelemententertransition(); entertransition.addlistener(new transition.transitionlistener() { @override public void ontransitionstart(transition ...

Installing Python module pandas in Cloud9 -

i'm having hard time installing python modules in cloud9 ide. i have tried using easy_install (their recommended method) , pip both ton of warnings , end errors (find error messages below). i have read memory issues might problem, , possible solution increase swap space, apparently cloud9 not allow it, since sudo swapon /swap1 fails showing operation not permitted anyone ever installed pandas in cloud9? other method should try? update : managed install pandas using linux distribution’s package manager: sudo apt-get install python-pandas version 0.13 , need current version 0.16 use pandasql. this doing sudo easy_install pandas : x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: internal compiler error: killed (program cc1) please submit full bug report, preprocessed source if appropriate. see <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.8/readme.bugs> instructions. error: setup script exited error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed exit status 4 this doing pip install pandas : traceback...

android - usinge handler to update UI -

im trying code meteo application gives weather condition based on location, seems working except when location change, ui doesn't update , tried use handler don't quite know how use it. this how used handler : ` private final android.os.handler handler=new android.os.handler(); private final runnable run = new runnable() { @override public void run() { displaylocation(); } }; @override public void onlocationchanged(location location) { mlastlocation = location; toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "location changed!", toast.length_short).show();; } private void displaylocation() { mlastlocation = locationservices.fusedlocationapi.getlastlocation(mgoogleapiclient); string city = null; string country=null; if (mlastlocation != null) { double latitude = mlastlocation.getlatitude(); double longitude = mlastlocation.getlongitude(); geocoder geocoder = ne...

Why am I still getting the error: "CryptoUnavailableError: No crypto library available" in Python? -

i trying make api call through python google's dfa , using suggested code. however, still not saying credentials object defined , throws error: traceback (most recent call last): file "<input>", line 2, in <module> file "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\oauth2client\", line 137, in positional_wrapper return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) file "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\oauth2client\", line 1502, in __init__ _requirecryptoordie() file "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\oauth2client\", line 1456, in _requirecryptoordie raise cryptounavailableerror('no crypto library available') cryptounavailableerror: no crypto library available i have installed pyopenssl library, , pycrypto library vcforpython compiler. have managed edit 3 app.yaml files in liclipse client append: libraries: - name: pycrypto version: "latest" onto it. this code looks far arbitrary credentials: ...

mongodb - Reactivemongo BSONTimestamp conversion -

i have record in mongodb having ts: timestamp(1437688345, 2) . when record retrieved reactivemongo in scala application, contains ts: bsontimestamp(6174824423615365122) . in such case, how can query documents have timestamp greater ts: timestamp(1437688345, 2) in database?

c# - Validate Input via ValidationRule for Datagrid binded to DataTable -

q: how can manage datagrid validation rule validates input after changing row/cell , not before. c: have datatgrid autogenerated columns , validation rule: <datagrid x:name="datagrid" rowdetailsvisibilitymode="visiblewhenselected" verticalscrollbarvisibility="auto" horizontalscrollbarvisibility="auto" enablerowvirtualization="true" autogeneratecolumns="true" itemssource="{binding}" selectionmode="extended"> <datagrid.rowvalidationrules> <test:tablevalidationrules/> </datagrid.rowvalidationrules> </datagrid> the datagrid binded datatable after filling data database .... sqladapter.fill(datatable); datagrid.datacont...

javascript - Long Ul in Bootstrap -

i have ul 40-200 li . have in 1 column want automatically make 2+ columns based on amount of li present fits screen. i had success splitting ul manually 2 sets , making each row in mobile screen adds huge white space between 2 ul s. wonderful. <div class="container-fluid contentcontainer margintop" id="topcontainer" style="margin-bottom:0 px"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 " id="toprow"> <ul class="dl-multicolumn" id="list"> <li><a class="linksroll" href="javascript:opendocument('2974')"><font face='tahoma' size='3'>aa latin upfront commisison </font></a></li> <li><a class="linksroll" href="javascript:opendocument('2941')"><font face='tahoma' size='3'>aa/ba/ib/ay transatlantic glob...