json - Working with dates function in php -
i newbie php programming , came across this: { "dates": [ "2015-07-23", "2015-07-22" ], "en": [ "1", "1" ], "ak": [ "0", "0" ], "ga": [ "0", "0" ] } what mean? its json data. { "dates":[ "2015-07-23", "2015-07-22"], "en":["1","1"], "ak":["0","0"], "ga":["0","0"] } the whole thing json object. dates, en, ak , ga json arrays within object. representation in key: value form. dates, en, ak , ga keys , data after ":" value. objects enclosed within { }. json array enclosed [ ]. note: can have embedded objects within objects. associating multiple values key, array used. here key "dates" has ...