swift2 - swift 2.0 healthkit requestAuthorizationToShareTypes - Type of expression is ambiguous without more context -
after converting swift 1.2 2.0 following error: type of expression ambiguous without more context when request authorisation follow: healthkitstore.requestauthorizationtosharetypes(writetypes: healthkittypestowrite, readtypes: healthkittypestoread,completion: { success, error in if success { print("success") } else { print(error.description) } }) any ideas? i fixed problem, , not sure has error message itself. 1) healthkittypestoread , write: removed [ ] set ( [ ] ) 2) created new completion duple 3) changed call follow bellow example: let healthkittypestoread = set( arrayliteral: hkobjecttype.characteristictypeforidentifier(hkcharacteristictypeidentifierdateofbirth)!, hkobjecttype.characteristictypeforidentifier(hkcharacteristictypeidentifierbiologicalsex)!, hkobjecttype.workouttype() ) let newcompletion: ((bool, nserror?) -> void) = { (success, er...