c++ - CppUnit : Not able to write test cases -

i have written cppunit codes in testbmath.cc. able write test cases first 3 functions add,subtract , multiply. not able write test cases divide , swap.i don't know how handle divide 0 in test cases , how check numbers swapped or not in cppunit test cases.


#ifndef test_math_h__     #define test_math_h__     class testmath     {     public:     int addition(int x, int y);     int multiply(int x, int y);     int subtraction(int x, int y);     int division(int x, int y);     void swap(int &x, int &y);     }; #endif 


    #include "testmath.h"      int testmath::addition(int x, int y)     {         return (x + y);     }      int testmath::multiply(int x, int y)     {         return (x * y);     }      int testmath::subtraction(int x, int y)     {         return (x - y);     }      int testmath::division(int x, int y)     {        if( b == 0 )     {           throw "division 0 condition!";     }        return (a/b);     }      void swap(int &a, int &b)     {       int temp;        temp = b;       b   = a;         = temp;        } 


    #include <iostream>     #include <string>     #include <list>     #include "cppunit/testcase.h"     #include "cppunit/testfixture.h"     #include "cppunit/ui/text/texttestrunner.h"     #include "cppunit/extensions/helpermacros.h"     #include "cppunit/extensions/testfactoryregistry.h"     #include "cppunit/testresult.h"     #include "cppunit/testresultcollector.h"     #include "cppunit/testrunner.h"     #include "cppunit/brieftestprogresslistener.h"     #include "cppunit/compileroutputter.h"     #include "netinet/in.h"      #include "testmath.h"      using namespace cppunit;     using namespace std;      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------     class testbmath : public cppunit::testfixture     {     cppunit_test_suite(testbmath);     cppunit_test(testaddition);     cppunit_test(testmultiply);     cppunit_test(testsubtraction);     cppunit_test(testdivision);     cppunit_test(testswap);     cppunit_test_suite_end();      public:     void setup(void);     void teardown(void);      protected:     void testaddition(void);     void testmultiply(void);     void testsubtraction(void);     void testdivision(void);     void testswap(void);      private:     testmath *mtestobj;     };      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------      void testbmath::setup(void)     {     mtestobj = new testmath();     }      void testbmath::testaddition(void)     {     cppunit_assert(5 == mtestobj->addition(2,3));     }      void testbmath::testmultiply(void)     {     cppunit_assert(6 == mtestobj->multiply(2,3));     }     void testbmath::testsubtraction(void)     {     cppunit_assert(2 == mtestobj->subtraction(5,3));     }      void testbmath::testdivision(void)     {     cppunit_assert(6 == mtestobj->division(12,2));     //but divide 0 how should write     }      void testbmath::testswap(void)     {     //how should check swap     }      void testbmath::teardown(void)     {     delete mtestobj;     }      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------     cppunit_test_suite_registration( testbmath );      int main(int argc, char* argv[])     {     // informs test-listener testresults     cppunit_ns::testresult testresult;      // register listener collecting test-results     cppunit_ns::testresultcollector collectedresults;     testresult.addlistener (&collectedresults);      // register listener per-test progress output     cppunit_ns::brieftestprogresslistener progress;      testresult.addlistener (&progress);      // insert test-suite @ test-runner registry     cppunit_ns::testrunner testrunner;      testrunner.addtest (cppunit_ns::testfactoryregistry::getregistry().maketest ());      testrunner.run(testresult);      // output results in compiler-format     cppunit_ns::compileroutputter compileroutputter(&collectedresults, std::cerr);      compileroutputter.write ();      // return 0 if tests successful     return collectedresults.wassuccessful() ? 0 : 1;     } 

my suggestions, change exception const char* more meaningful, std::runtime_error:

int testmath::division(int x, int y) {    if( b == 0 )    {       throw std::runtime_error("division 0 condition!");    }    return (a/b); } 

than test's like:

void testbmath::testdivision(void) {    cppunit_assert(6 == mtestobj->division(12,2));    cppunit_assert_throw(mtestobj->division(12,0), std::runtime_error); }  void testbmath::testswap(void) {    int x = 2;    int y = 3;    mtestobj->swap(x, y);    cppunit_assert(x == 3 && y == 2); } 


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