typescript - Header files for Mongoose' 'plugin' method (extending via .methods and .statics) -

i'm trying create typescript header files script extends mongoose-model using .plugin method. current signature mongoose header-files:

export class schema {    // ...    plugin(plugin: (schema: schema, options?: object) => void,                     options?: object): schema;    // ... } 

some actual code mongoose-lib:

/**  * registers plugin schema.  *  * @param {function} plugin callback  * @param {object} [opts]  * @see plugins  * @api public  */  schema.prototype.plugin = function (fn, opts) {   fn(this, opts);   return this; }; 

then own model, extending plugin;

import passportlocalmongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose') // ... var userschema = new mongoose.schema({     email: string,     password: string, }); // ... userschema.plugin(passportlocalmongoose, {     usernamefield: "email",     usernamelowercase: true }); 

snippet passport-local-mongoose source:

module.exports = function(schema, options) {    // ...       schema.methods.setpassword = function (password, cb) {       // ...    }     schema.statics.authenticate = function() {       // ...    }    // ... } 

problem occurs in main app.js

   // ...     userschema.authenticate()                // <<< typescript error, undefined     //   or     userschemainstance.setpassword(pass, cb) // <<< typescript error, undefined 

the problem .authenticate etc. dynamically added through .methods , .statics ...

i can't find way model in typescript header files.

i tried generics , stuff, can't (dynamic) apply provide plugin-methods original model. tried plugin returning generic t extends s & p (where s extends schema first argument , p = plugin itself). no luck :-(

any suggestions or examples how solve this?

declare interfaces in passport-local-mongoose.d.ts file:

declare module 'mongoose' {     // methods     export interface passportlocaldocument extends document {         setpassword(pass: string, cb: (err: any) => void);     }      // statics     export interface passportlocalmodel<t extends passportlocaldocument> extends model<t> {         authenticate(username: string, password: string, cb: (err: any) => void);     }      // plugin options     export interface passportlocaloptions {         usernamefield?: string;         usernamelowercase?: boolean;     }      export interface passportlocalschema extends schema {         plugin(             plugin: (schema: passportlocalschema, options?: passportlocaloptions) => void,             options?: passportlocaloptions): schema;     }      export function model<t extends passportlocaldocument>(         name: string,         schema?: passportlocalschema,         collection?: string,         skipinit?: boolean): passportlocalmodel<t>; }  declare module 'passport-local-mongoose' {     import mongoose = require('mongoose');     var _: (schema: mongoose.schema, options?: object) => void;     export = _; } 

use in app.ts:

import mongoose = require('mongoose'); import passportlocalmongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose');  interface userdocument extends mongoose.passportlocaldocument {     email: string,     password: string; }  var userschema = <mongoose.passportlocalschema>new mongoose.schema({     email: string,     password: string });  userschema.plugin(passportlocalmongoose, {     usernamefield: 'email',     usernamelowercase: true });  var user = mongoose.model<userdocument>('user', userschema); user.authenticate(username, pass, cb);  var user = new user(); user.setpassword(newpass, cb); 


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