php - How to auto increment a number in mailbody? -
i want send mail customer, , in body want value multiplied 2 after 60 minutes. suppose @ 3.00 pm. saw '10' in mail body, @ 4.00 pm. seeing '20 in mail body i using php script send mail. i want $result of line multiplied 2 after 60 minute so if open shop 24*7 aprroximated revenue $result thank !! here code: <?php /* subject , email varialbles*/ session_start(); $emailsbuject = 'new client details'; $webmaster = ''; $emailsbuject2 = 'thank calculating revenue'; $client = ' $emailfeild\r\n'; /*gathering data variables*/ $namefeild = $_post['name']; $phonefeild = $_post['phone']; $emailfeild = $_post['email']; $dayfeild = $_post['day']; $timefeild = $_post['time']; $revenuefeild = $_post['revenue']; $result = (($revenuefeild*7*24)/($dayfeild*$timefeild)); // admin message body $body= <<<eod contact form details of $namefeild name: $namefeild \n email: $ema...