php - How to auto increment a number in mailbody? -
i want send mail customer, , in body want value multiplied 2 after 60 minutes.
suppose @ 3.00 pm. saw '10' in mail body, @ 4.00 pm. seeing '20 in mail body
i using php script send mail.
i want $result of line multiplied 2 after 60 minute
so if open shop 24*7 aprroximated revenue $result
thank !!
here code:
<?php /* subject , email varialbles*/ session_start(); $emailsbuject = 'new client details'; $webmaster = ''; $emailsbuject2 = 'thank calculating revenue'; $client = ' $emailfeild\r\n'; /*gathering data variables*/ $namefeild = $_post['name']; $phonefeild = $_post['phone']; $emailfeild = $_post['email']; $dayfeild = $_post['day']; $timefeild = $_post['time']; $revenuefeild = $_post['revenue']; $result = (($revenuefeild*7*24)/($dayfeild*$timefeild)); // admin message body $body= <<<eod contact form details of $namefeild name: $namefeild \n email: $emailfeild \n contact phone: $phonefeild \n revenue: $result \n eod; // client message body $body2 = <<<eod <p style="margin-left:10px;font-family:calibri"><img alt="" src=""></p> dear $namefeild, <p style="font-family:calibri">thank contacting me. 1 of our representatives contact soonest. if have more questions or information needed, please let know. happy serve ! </p> <p style="font-family:calibri;color:maroon">how 24*7 can impact business ?</p> <p style="font-family:calibri">24*7 means, if located in kolkata,people of kolkata no longer "would customers". rather people of entire globe able see , discover services , materials. can afford lose attention ego can see , disscover materials , services ? <br /> <br /> not want sell stuff person new york? , 6 pm, accepted time purhasing something(after office hours), establishment @ new york means indian time 3:30 am. still think, can afford lose ? </p> <p style="font-family:calibri;color:maroon">our simple math solution</p> <p style="font-family:calibri">if have 100,000 rupees per month revenue, , taking 15 days time think on solution, potentially losing opportunity gain inr 133,333/2 = rs. 68,517/- . in case having revenue of 500,000 per month, 15 days indecision cost inr 3,42,585. , can potentially <strong>stop drain paying inr 15,000 possible.</strong></p> <p style="font-family:calibri;color:maroon">you gave <strong>$dayfeild</strong> shop opening days per week, <strong>$timefeild</strong> shop opening hours per day , <strong>$revenuefeild</strong> approximated revenue <br /> if open shop 24*7 aprroximated revenue <strong>$result</strong></p> <p style="font-family:calibri;color:maroon">so dont waste time. time running. call now</p> <p style="font-family:calibri">my team <br> <br> </p> <p style="font-size:x-small;color:#0099ff;font-family:calibri">this e-mail automatically sent me administration directory , reference. please not reply e-mail address.<br> powered me.</p>
eod; $headers = "from: $emailfeild\r\n"; $header = "from: $\nmime-version: 1.0\ncontent-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"; $success = mail($webmaster,$emailsbuject,$body,$headers); $success1 = @mail($emailfeild,$emailsbuject2,$body2,$header); /*result*/ $theresults = <<<eod eod; echo "$theresults"; $_session['result'] = $result; header("location: thankyou.php"); exit; ?>
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