linux - Bash while loop `done' syntax error unexpected token -

learning bash scripting in linux on virtualbox.

i'm writing script uses while loop ask text file write if decide not overwrite existing file, among other things.

here's code:

#!/bin/bash  bool="true" counter="true" while [ "${bool}" == "true" ] ;     bool="false"     if [ "${counter}" == "true" ] ;     if [ $# -eq 1 ] ;         ff=$1     fi     else     read -p "enter .txt file write to: " ff     fi      txt=".txt"     if [[ $ff != *$txt* ]] ;     echo $ff     ff="$ff$txt"     echo $ff     fi      if [ -w $ff ] ;     var="true"     while [ "${var}" == "true" ] ;         var="false"         read -p "${ff} exists. want overwrite it? y/n: " yorn         if [ $yorn == "y" ] ;         echo "'$ff' being overwitten"         elif [ $yorn == "n" ] ;         echo "let's try again..."         bool="true"              else         echo "you entered command other y or n."         var="true"         fi     done     else     echo "'$ff' has been created"     fi      counter="false" done  echo "writing ${ff}..." echo "${ff}" > $ff echo "" >> $ff  declare -a alphabet=("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z") echo ${alphabet[@]} letters=${#alphabet[@]} echo "there ${letters} letters in alphabet" loops=$((letters*letters*letters)) echo "the script loops ${loops} times"  start=$(date +%s.%n) x in "${alphabet[@]}"     x=$x$x     y in "${alphabet[@]}"         y=$y$y     z in "${alphabet[@]}"             z=$z$z         xyz=$x$y$z         grep $xyz /usr/share/dict/words >> $ff     done     done done end=$(date +%s.%n) elapsed=$(echo "$end - $start" | bc -l) echo "the search took ${elapsed} seconds."  sleep 10s emacs $ff  exit 0 

here's error done of while loop:

ubuntu@ubuntu-virtualbox:~/scripts$ ./ abc ./ line 35: syntax error near unexpected token `done' ./ line 35: `done' 

what's issue here?

you have 2 issues:

1) need space here. general suggestion, it's better use shell built-in[[ ... ]] on test [ ... ] in bash.

if [ "${counter}" == "true" ] ;                            ^ 

2) not closing if "fi" here.

  elif [ $yorn == "n" ] ;         echo "let's try again..."         bool=true   fi # <--- closing "fi" here 

if indent code, spot these kind of errors more quickly.


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