php - laravel 5 send email with html elements and attachment using ajax -

i stuck on point want send email using ajax. find code below.

$user = \auth::user(); mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($message) use ($user) {             $message->from('', 'from');             $message->to($request['to'], $name = null);             // $message->cc($address, $name = null);             // $message->bcc($address, $name = null);             $message->replyto('', 'sender');             $message->subject($request['subject']);             // $message->priority($level);             if(isset($request['attachment'])){                 $message->attach($request['attachment'], $options = []);             }              // attach file raw $data string...             $message->attachdata($request['message'], $name = 'dummy name', $options = []);              // underlying swiftmailer message instance...             $message->getswiftmessage();         });         return \response::json(['response' => 200]); 

now want send email using ajax , upon request complete want display message on same page message sent successfully.

i found solution this, send plain message directly using mail::raw() function working perfectly. not able attach files here or html codes.

any suggestion in regard.


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