c# - How to stick my form to a window of a thirdparty application? -
i'm trying stick form window of application (let's microsoft outlook). when move outlook window, form should still stick @ right-hand side of it.
at moment, i'm monitoring outlook's position in while(true)
loop (with sleep()
) , adjusting form's position it.
here 2 problems:
- if
duration short, takes performance check outlook's position , adjust form often. - if
duration long, form slow in adjusting outlook (it lags).
isn't there native solution this?
you have hook on process , listen event
this should give starting point
using system; using system.diagnostics; using system.runtime.interopservices; using system.windows.forms; namespace windowsformsapplication1 { public partial class form1 : form { private const uint winevent_outofcontext = 0x0000; private const uint event_object_locationchange = 0x800b; private const uint event_system_movesizestart = 0x000a; private const uint event_system_movesizeend = 0x000b; public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { this.width = 100; this.height = 100; this.topmost = true; int processid = process.getprocessesbyname("outlook")[0].id; //this triggered mouse moving on process windows //nativemethods.setwineventhook(event_object_locationchange, event_object_locationchange, intptr.zero, wineventproc, (uint)processid, (uint)0, winevent_outofcontext); nativemethods.setwineventhook(event_system_movesizestart, event_system_movesizeend, intptr.zero, wineventproc, (uint)processid, (uint)0, winevent_outofcontext); } private void wineventproc(intptr hwineventhook, uint eventtype, intptr hwnd, int idobject, int idchild, uint dweventthread, uint dwmseventtime) { rect move = new rect(); if (eventtype == event_system_movesizestart) { nativemethods.getwindowrect(hwnd, ref move); debug.writeline("event_system_movesizestart"); } else if (eventtype == event_system_movesizeend) { nativemethods.getwindowrect(hwnd, ref move); debug.writeline("event_system_movesizeend"); } this.left = move.left; this.top = move.top; } } public struct rect { public int left { get; set; } public int top { get; set; } public int right { get; set; } public int bottom { get; set; } } static class nativemethods { [dllimport("user32.dll")] public static extern intptr setwineventhook(uint eventmin, uint eventmax, intptr hmodwineventproc, wineventdelegate lpfnwineventproc, uint idprocess, uint idthread, uint dwflags); public delegate void wineventdelegate(intptr hwineventhook, uint eventtype, intptr hwnd, int idobject, int idchild, uint dweventthread, uint dwmseventtime); [dllimport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool getwindowrect(intptr hwnd, ref rect rectangle); } }
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