cmd - Batch file for incremental renaming of files/folders with date -

i have folder called output. want rename using batch file output_old05aug15, 05aug15 today's date. however, if output_old05aug15 present, output renamed output_old05aug15_2nd , on. need batch file renames folder accordingly.

edit: got incrementally rename folders exist. here's have done:

@echo off setlocal /d %%f in (.\output) (  if exist "output_old*" (   set reqren=y   /l %%x in (2,1,999) if defined reqren if not exist "output_old_%%x" (rename "%%f" "output_old_%%x"&set "reqren=")  ) else (rename "%%f" "output_old") ) goto :eof 

i referred post batch file - rename , incremental folder number?

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  rem locale, ie: 'thu 08/06/2015'     /f "tokens=2 delims=/ " %%m in ("%date%") set /a "n=(3*((1%%m)%%100-1))" set month=janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec set monthname=!month:~%n%,3! set dt=%date:~7,2%%monthname%%date:~-2%  if exist output (   /l %%x in (1,1,999) (     if %%x equ 1 set new=output_old%dt%     if %%x geq 2 set new=output_old%dt%v%%x     if not exist !new! (         echo !new!         rename output !new!         goto fin     )   ) )  :fin 

i'll leave making proper ordinal indicators you. note %date% format depends on locale in case of use tokens=1 delims=/ in first for


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