android - What does google-services.json really do? -
i work on adding google analytics , gcm services current app. on guide both services implementation, google asks developer generate json file: google-services.json , put under root directory of app.
i found if delete json file app, services still works.
just want know sure, file for? usage , how work?
i investigated bit regarding google-services plugin , json , found sources plugin.
first things first
the gradle-plugin google-services referenced classpath , apply build-time plugin only! influences build-process of app, not runtime-process!
this plugin meant quickstart-helper integrating google-services in app. obviously, process convoluted , not documented, google should have made clear process does.
in fact, found source code plugin version , didnt find specific reference in regarding appinvites nor did find google api app invites! (but maybe uses generic api project project id, didnt try this)
what does
the google-services gradle-plugin looks mentioned google-services.json file in app-module. looks configured settings project-id's , tracking-id's , such, generated google api developer console google-services.json file. settings found, android resource values generated following path:
for example debug-build of app:
e.g. if followed gcm tutorial, json file include api project's id following android-resource:
<string name="gcm_defaultsenderid">project-id</string>
so plugin , json file not essential running or publishing app, quickstart helper generate basic android-resource files easier integration of specific google api features.
notice in source code referenced below google-services plugin generates android-resources every app-variant defined in app/build.gradle.
if don't want that, should use generated resources in app-variants want, , delete others. don't forget remove google-services plugin apply app/build.gradle, or else regenerated app-variants.
what not
this plugin , json-file not directly influence inner workings of said google-features app! if have followed older tutorials on on how integrate e.g. gcm or google analytics, don't need integrate either gradle-plugin google-services or google-services.json file!
notice found sources
after integrated google-services gradle-plugin , when sync project, gradle automatically downloads google-services dependency path similar (on windows, might need home/.gradle linux):
if extract jar-file, find 2 files:
which contain plain source code of gradle-plugin.
contains handling of app-variants , basic definitions of paths etc.
contains actual task-definition, following method see does:
@taskaction public void action() throws ioexception {
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