java - Selenium WebDriver on IE11 always has "--port=" in URL -

i trying run automated tests on ie11 using selenium webdriver. whenever run code url ie tries load http://--port=38198/

i trying load google , return title, move onto actual automated testing intend do. here sample of code far;

private webdriver driver; private string baseurl;  @before public void setup() throws exception{     system.setproperty("", "c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe");     desiredcapabilities cap = desiredcapabilities.internetexplorer();     cap.setcapability(capabilitytype.forseleniumserver.ensuring_clean_session, true);     baseurl = "http//";     driver = new internetexplorerdriver(cap);     driver.manage().deleteallcookies();     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(30, timeunit.seconds); }  @test public void test() throws exception{     driver.get(baseurl);     system.out.println(driver.gettitle());     //driver.navigate().to(baseurl); } 

ever time run code opens same url - http://--port= code can't see have gone wrong. changed security settings on ie medium , disabled protected mode (i have tried protected mode turned on , still no luck). have downloaded , installed microsofts ie11 web driver.

i totally mystified this, can give me insight this...

it seems using native windows ie? have download ie webdriver , property needs path downloaded iedriverserver.exe

please try , report if solves problem. if not change chrome webdriver ie , try myself :)


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