ruby on rails - jquery datepicker is not working while reset the value of datepicker -

i have included following code in test.js

var refreshrange = function () {     var tab = $("select[id^='select']").parents("div[id$='_tab']"),         currentdateselect = tab.find("select[id^='select'] option:selected")      if (currentdateselect.val() != 'range') {         $("input[name^='start_date']").val('');;         $("input[name^='end_date']").val('');;     } } 

and in test.js.erb have called this


now case when select range 02-02-2015 02-03-2015 , when again go range , select start_date @ time allows me select start_range 02-03-2015 not current date , end_date working fine. please guide me how solve this.


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