github - GIT checkout to master from branch itself updated my local repository -

i created new branch , removed 1 file local repository. checkedin master merge branch. during checkout repository updated , when try merge branch says 'already up-to-date'

c:\git\junit [cleanup +0 ~0 -1]> git rm '*.md' rm '' c:\git\junit [cleanup +0 ~0 -2]> git checkout master d d       target/surefire-reports/com.tester.webdriver.myfristtest.txt switched branch 'master' **your branch up-to-date 'origin/master'.** c:\git\junit [master +0 ~0 -2]> git merge cleanup up-to-date. 

the problem forgot git commit changes before switching master branch. git doesn't know changes belong, assumes changes branch in.if specify branch these changes should documented, merge possible.


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