php - Is it posible to create a urlManager Rule which preloads an object based on ID? -

working yii 2.0.4, i'm trying use urlmanager rule preload object based on given id in url.


'components' => [     'urlmanager' => [         [             'pattern' => 'view/<id:\d+>',             'route' => 'site/view',             'defaults' => ['client' => client::findone($id)],         ],         [             'pattern' => 'update/<id:\d+>',             'route' => 'site/update',             'defaults' => ['client' => client::findone($id)],         ],      ] ] 

if works, not necessary manually find , object each time, crud actions:

class sitecontroller extends controller {     public function actionview() {         // using $client urlmanager rule         // instead of using $client = client::findone($id);          return $this->render('view', ['client' => $client]);     }      public function actionupdate() {         // using $client urlmanager rule         // instead of using $client = client::findone($id);          if ($client->load(yii::$app->request->post()) && $client->save()) {                 return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $client->id]);             } else {                 return $this->render('edit', ['client' => $client]);             }     }  } 

note: above snippets not working. they're idea of want get

is possible? there way achieve this?

if closer: nothing changes. still call client::findone($id); doing in unexpected , inappropriate place, , if @ comment default parameter says:

array default parameters (name => value) rule provides. when rule used parse incoming request, values declared in property injected $_get.

default parameter needed when want specify $_get parameters rule. e.g.

[     'pattern' => '/',     'route' => 'article/view',     'defaults' => ['id' => 1], ] 

here specify article id = 1 default article when open main page of site e.g. handled

i can suggest add property clientmodel in controller , in beforeaction() method check if update or view action set

$this->clientmodel = client::findone($id);

and in action:

return $this->render('view', ['client' => $this->clientmodel]);


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