ruby on rails - how to allow all of the attributes of a model when -
i migrating rails 3.2 app strong_parameters , don't have experience.
i have model called item has_many attributes. in our item#update i'd able following:
# model class item < activerecord::base include activemodel::forbiddenattributesprotection has_many :assets, :as => :assetable, :dependent => :destroy ... #in items_controller.rb def update @item=item.find(params[:id]) if @item.update_attributes(params[:item]) ... private def item_params params.require(:item).permit(:assets_attributes).permit! end
how specify item_params allow asset created through update statement?
edit 1
so if pull list of attributes via:
a=asset.first a.attributes
i get:
{"id"=>4424, "name"=>nil, "created_at"=>fri, 24 jan 2014 15:49:17 pst -08:00, "updated_at"=>fri, 24 jan 2014 15:49:17 pst -08:00, "asset_file_name"=>"br-3.jpg", "asset_content_type"=>"image/jpeg", "asset_file_size"=>198085, "asset_updated_at"=>fri, 24 jan 2014 15:49:16 pst -08:00, "menu_item_id"=>nil, "assetable_id"=>1, "assetable_type"=>"locationprofilealbum", "global_id"=>9394, "description"=>nil, "associated_global_id"=>9393, "user_id"=>nil, "position"=>0.0, "hash_val"=>nil, "is_instore"=>false, "location_id"=>nil, "filepicker_url"=>nil}
if put in:
def item_params params.require(:item).permit( :assets_attributes[ :id, :name, :created_at, :updated_at , :asset_file_name, :asset_content_type, :asset_file_size, :asset_updated_at, :menu_item_id, :assetable_id, :assetable_type, :global_id, :description, :associated_global_id, :user_id, :position, :hash_val, :is_instore, :location_id, :filepicker_url ] )
and add file, error:
argumenterror (wrong number of arguments (20 1..2)): app/controllers/items_controller.rb:218:in `[]' app/controllers/items_controller.rb:218:in `item_params'
first, need specify attributes nested assets allowed, e.g.:
def item_params params.require(:item).permit(assets_attributes: [:col1, :col2, :col3]) end
then, make sure use private method when updating @item
@item.update_attributes item_params
eta (based on edit1): paperclip posts actual file, not attributes, would:
params.require(:item).permit(assets_attributes: [:asset])
for future reference can find parameters being passed action in logs. like:
parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "item"=>{"assets_attributes"=>[{"asset"=>#<actiondispatch::http::uploadedfile…>}]}
the logs include notice parameters have been excluded strong params. can helpful determining parameters need permitted.
i want discourage adding parameters permitted list. strong parameters motivated serious security concerns, namely attackers being able edit fields should not have access to. basically, keep in mind anyone access web page able post value parameter in permitted list.
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