
Showing posts from January, 2011

Unable to set selected value in AngularJS -

i have several select boxes on edit form, when page loads data loaded it, works textboxes , checkboxes not selectboxes, unable set selected value them have googled many things still cannot seem find doing wrong, html: <div class="form-group" ng-init="getroles()"> <label for="roles">role</label> <select style="width: 100%;" data-toggle="select2" ng-model="form.role_id" ng-options=" item.role item in roles"> </select> </div> this function gets , sets user info in controller: $scope.getuserinfo = function() { userservice.get($ .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data.user != undefined) { $scope.form = data.user; } }) }; this function gets , sets roles in controller: $scope.getroles = function() { roleservice.get() .success(function...

Angularjs - how to shuffle the class names using the scope function? -

i have 3 elements, shows conditional. on click of them using 'ng-class' showing or hiding element. here html : <div class="useroptions"> <div class="row designoption" ng-class="{'active':prodesign}"> <span ng-click="categories('prodesign')" class="icon icond">d</span> <span class="info infod">design</span> </div> <div class="row suplyoption" ng-class="{'active':supply}"> <span ng-click="categories('prosupply')" class="icon icons">s</span> <span class="info infos">supply</span> </div> <div class="row constoption" ng-class="{'active':construct}"> <span ng-click="categories('proconstruct')" class="ic...

c# - Winrt, changing a color, depending on a bound value -

i have gridview looks this: <gridview itemcontainerstyle="{staticresource gridviewitemstyle2}" itemssource="{binding mymeetingssquareusers}" grid.row="1" margin="10,10,10,0" selectionmode="none" horizontalcontentalignment="left" verticalcontentalignment="bottom"> <gridview.itemspanel> <itemspaneltemplate> <itemswrapgrid orientation="vertical" maximumrowsorcolumns="1"/> </itemspaneltemplate> </gridview.itemspanel> <gridview.itemtemplate> <datatemplate> <grid height="35" width="35" margin="0,0,10,0" > <border borderbrush="red" borderthickness="1" cornerradius="15"> <ellipse> <ellipse.fill> <imagebrush stretch=...

ios - One provisioning profile more than one team -

i have been working 1 team under apple developers program, using lot of provisioning profile when developing apple applications. for reason needed create team have both teams share provisioning profiles. do think possible? i tried download 1 provisioning profile , upload new team no success :( thanks!! this isn't possible. the provisioning profiles associated 1 team can seen included in profile. field isn't array. <key></key> <string>4jdwf27f87</string>

ruby - "ERROR -- : Actor crashed! Celluloid::DeadActorError: attempted to call a dead actor" when running "jekyll watch" or "jekyll serve" -

when run jekyll watch jekyll detect 1 change stop detecting further changes. upon canceling hitting ctrl+c, output: e, [2015-07-23t15:38:41.307871 #1094] error -- : actor crashed! celluloid::deadactorerror: attempted call dead actor /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/responses.rb:29:in value' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/calls.rb:92:in value' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/proxies/sync_proxy.rb:33:in method_missing' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/listen-2.10.1/lib/listen/file.rb:9:in change' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/listen-2.10.1/lib/listen/change.rb:40:in change' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/calls.rb:26:in public_send' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/calls.rb:26:in dispatch' /library/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/celluloid-0.16.0/lib/celluloid/calls.rb:63:in dispatch' /...

elasticsearch - Elastic Search nested multimatch query -

so problem same described here , still remains unanswered on group. my mapping: { "abstract": { "properties": { "summary": { "type": "string" } } }, "authors": { "type": "nested", "properties": { "first_name": { "type": "string" }, "last_name": { "type": "string" } } } } and perform full-text search on both of these fields, unequally weighted. query comes mind, unfortunately doesn't work, this: { "query": { "bool": { "should": [{ "multi_match": { "query": "higgs boson", "fields": ["abstract.summar...

c++ - What is this template syntax and unsigned type? -

i'm new c++ , have difficulty understanding code: template <typename t = unsigned> what t = unsigned means? does compiler enforce unsigned on given type? that's default template parameter; similar default function parameter. if don't put in argument, default unsigned [int] . imagine this: template <typename t = unsigned> struct foo { t one; t two; }; if declare example foo<char> , resulting structure have 2 char members. default parameter lets me declare foo<> , , that structure have 2 unsigned int members, because unsigned int default.

angularjs - pass an object from controller to another controller anglarjs -

hi i'm new angularjs, can me this: after singup want automatically redirected authentificate page , put login , password in form of authenficate.html the signupctrl demoapp.controller('signupctrl',function($scope,$http,$location,user) { user=$scope.user; $scope.verification = function(isvalid,user) { user=$scope.user; if (isvalid) { $scope.message = "submitted "; console.log(user); console.log(user.type); if(user.type=="recruteur") { window.alert("bonjour recruteur "+; $location.path("/auth"); } else { window.alert("bonjour condidat "+; $location.path("/auth"); } } else { $scope.message = "there still invalid fields below"; } }; }); the singup.html ...

c# - How to spawn enemies with a randomized speed -

i know how spawn enemies randomized speed. i've looked around on internet looking solutions, none of them seem come close (or maybe haven't looked hard enough, i'm not sure. if there's solution somewhere out there, please share it). it'd great if have randomized speeds beginning after time has passed since start of game. i have following code. using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.collections.generic; public class spawnenemies : monobehaviour { //variable store enemy prefab public gameobject enemy; //array store spawn points public transform[] spawnpoints; //variable countdown time each spawn more enemy prefabs can spawn public float spawntimer = 5.0f; //variable store amount of original enemies spawned @ start of game private int nenemies = 1; //variable store previous spawn time private float prevspawntime = 1f; //variable store spawn delay time private float delay = 0f; //list store number of spawn points list<int> spoints...

linux - Installing Octave on raspberry pi -

i'm using linux debian on raspberry pi , have installed octave. here octave startup : pi@pi1 ~ $ octave octave: x11 display environment variable not set octave: disabling gui features gnu octave, version 4.0.0 copyright (c) 2015 john w. eaton , others. free software; see source code copying conditions. there absolutely no warranty; not merchantability or fitness particular purpose. details, type 'warranty'. octave configured "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf". additional information octave available @ please contribute if find software useful. more information, visit read learn how submit bug reports. information changes previous versions, type 'news'. when attempt run octave gui such : plot(3,3) output displayed on command line : message "octave: disabling gui features" (as part of startup output above) indicates cannot use gui features. ...

c# - ASP.NET error - PostcodeAnywhere -

now, part of large project have front-end website clients use. part of project postcode lookup feature, using postcodeanywhere company signed to. launched in debugger, tested it, worked perfectly. launch website dev web server test using iis , bang! unable cast com object of type 'system.__comobject' interface type 'msxml2.serverxmlhttp'. operation failed because queryinterface call on com component interface iid '{2e01311b-c322-4b0a-bd77-b90cfdc8dce7}' failed due following error: no such interface supported (exception hresult: 0x80004002 (e_nointerface)). that happened upon pressing button lookup postcode. below c# back-end code button: protected void btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) { addressparameters.clear(); addresschoice.clear(); dataaddresschoice.items.clear(); dataaddresschoice.items.add("please select address"); captureplus_interactive_find("(omitted - access code correct...

html - Generate textbox with an addon button -

in mvc want generate kind of textbox: the code using following: <div class="form-group"> @html.labelfor(model => model.userprincipalname, new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) <div class="col-md-10"> @html.editorfor(model => model.userprincipalname) <span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon2">@html.label(xx.utils.settingshelper.domain)</span> @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.userprincipalname) </div> </div> however behavior not you using <div class="form-group"> must <div class="input-group">

PHP calculate percentage -

i've tried many tricks calculate percentage of each value in array, cannot find solution. values points. thank you. <?php $data = array( 'item1' => array( 'label' => 'label 1', 'value' => 120 ), 'item2' => array( 'label' => 'label 2', 'value' => 90 ), 'item3' => array( 'label' => 'label 3', 'value' => 88 ), 'item4' => array( 'label' => 'label 4', 'value' => 19 ) ); ?> the last thing i've tried following: <?php $percentages = array(); $total_items = count( $data ); foreach ( $data $item ) { foreach ( $item $k => $v ) { if ( $k == 'value' ) { $percentages[] = ( $v / $total_items ) * 100; } } } ?> hope edit let know more i'm ...

Is there a "previous sibling" CSS selector? -

+ next sibling. there equivalent previous sibling? no, there no "previous sibling" selector. on related note, ~ general successor sibling (meaning element comes after one, not after) , css3 selector. + next sibling , css2.1. see adjacent sibling combinator selectors level 3 , 5.7 adjacent sibling selectors cascading style sheets level 2 revision 1 (css 2.1) specification .

ruby - Returning index with value while using each_with_index method -

constructing basic address book in ruby. have following line of code in program iterates on existing array(@address_book) based on standard numeric input (entrynumber) match array index. resulting value matches index returned. here's code in question: puts {|val, i| == (entrynumber - 1)} the results great except index returned @ bottom, this: (note 0 @ end of return) i'd ideally index number @ bottom not returned. view entry number entry number: 1 picked 1 name: adam adams phone number: 111-111-1111 email: 0 what missing in terms of returning value, without index? the problem the trouble each_with_index turning @address_book.entries array of arrays. here's example of mean: ["a", "b"].each_with_index.to_a # => [["a", 0], ["b", 1]] so when apply select each_with_index , selected elements each going array element , index: ["a", ... mvc - SignalR - Detect disconnected client in no time -

i working on application needs recognize when log's off system. i've set ping interval 5 seconds. have public override task onconnected() , public override task ondisconnected() , , triggered each time client connects , disconnects (i remember clients names , connections while connecting, , remove data list when disconnected) so, when client log's off system, connection lost , doesn't send ping response. have solution working, when takes time, around 30 seconds run ondisconnected function. there possibility make process faster? have detect in @ least 4-5 seconds. edit: here code hub.cs: public class signalrconnection { public string connectionid { get; set; } public string username { get; set; } } public static list<signalrconnection> connections = new list<signalrconnection>(); public override task onconnected() { connections.add(new signalrconnection() { connectionid = context.connection...

qlikview - Remove loops from database structure -

i have 2 fact tables : budget , vente . i create link table store them loops between tables it's shown in following picture . how remove loops ?

c# - Mixing Covariance and Contravariance -

goal: iterate on following collection var collection = new iimporttrigger<eventargs>[] { new filesystemimporttrigger() , new timerimporttrigger() }; in way foreach (var trigger in collection) { trigger.import += trigger.onimport; } this have far public delegate void importtriggereventhandler<in t>(object sender, t args) t : eventargs; public interface iimporttrigger<out t> t : eventargs { event importtriggereventhandler<t> import; void onimport<t1>(object sender, t1 args) t1 : eventargs; } public class filesystemimporttrigger : iimporttrigger<filesystemeventargs> { public event importtriggereventhandler<filesystemeventargs> import; public void onimport<t>(object sender, t args) t : eventargs { } } public class timerimporttrigger : iimporttrigger<elapsedeventargs> { public event importtriggereventhandler<elapsedeventargs> import; public void onimport<t>(object send...

opengl - how to get original fragment color in fragment shader -

i writing tile based image viewer application using jogl. image divided in grid of tiles. rendering textures each tile based on current zoom scale. each tile rendering code looks following: double projectedx = ... //will calculate x location of tile on screen double projectedy = ... //will calculate y location of tile on screen double projectedwidth = ... //calculate width of tile based on scale double projectedheight= ... //calculate height of tile based on scale gl.gltranslated(projectedx, projectedy, 0.0); gl.glscaled( scale, scale, 1.0);; //here, texture of tile image created in shared context in background. there several texture created 1 each tile. texture.enable(gl); double s2 = iw * (1.0 / texture.getwidth()); double t2 = ih * ( 1.0 / texture.getheight()); //draw texture gl.glbegin( gl2.gl_quads ); gl.gltexcoord2d( 0, 0 ); gl.glvertex2d( 0, 0 ); gl.gltexcoord2d( 0, t2 ); gl.glvertex2d( 0, ih ); gl.gltexcoord2d( s2, t2 ); gl.glvertex2d( iw, ih ); gl.g...

java - Robot Framework Adding Keywords -

i having issue picking custom keywords java using annotation library . issue i'm facing getting following error when executing jybot: imported library 'org.robotframework.javalib.library.classpathlibrary' contains no keywords imported library 'org.robotframework.javalib.library.annotationlibrary' contains no keywords no keyword name 'create empty stack' found jybot command used: jybot example.txt.below actual test case , libraries called test case: *** settings *** library org.robotframework.javalib.library.classpathlibrary org/robotframework/example/keyword/**.class library org.robotframework.javalib.library.annotationlibrary org/robotframework/example/keyword/**.class *** test cases *** stack example create empty stack add element java add element c++ remove last element last element should below library written incorporate keyword written incorporate stack keywords: package org.robotframework.e...

string concatenation is not working as expectred for URL call in PYTHON -

i trying extract dividend data , having success. want not have required string generated automatically off of list of ticker symbols (ibm, msft, ge . . .etc). the below python code works: import quandl divdf=quandl.get("sec/div_ibm", authtoken="w3p77lrwvfzvffl9sib4") divdf.head() out[1]: date dividend 1962-02-06 0.00100 1962-05-08 0.00100 1962-08-07 0.00100 1962-11-05 0.00100 1963-02-05 0.00133 but when try create string inside get() not. here code have tried: parta=('"sec/div_') symbol=('ibm"') authtoken='"w3p77lrwvfzvffl9sib4"' totalgrab = parta + symbol + ", authtoken=" + authtoken when print totalgrab looks if work because appears identical original string . unfortunately not work. in [19]: print(totalgrab) "sec/div_ibm", authtoken="w3p77lrwvfzvffl9sib4" try1=quandl.get(totalgrab) gives me error: errordownloading: error downloading! http error 400:...

objective c - iOS - Playing sound in background when making a call -

i have app in obj-c makes calls, play sound when user presses button start call. sound keep playing in background when call made? if so, how can achieve this? thank in advanced there absolutely no way play sound while carrier phone call in progress. sometimes, playing audio interrupted audio different app. on iphone, example, incoming phone call interrupts current app’s audio duration of call. in multitasking environment, frequency of such audio interruptions can high. it same behavior outgoing phone call. interrupts current app's audio (playing/recording) during duration of call. you can read more here : ios human interface guide

javascript - Retrieve a SubString from a String in the fastest possible way. Format from the end is fixed but not from the beginning, and Length is also not fixed -

i have string contains current location of person. want retrieve 2 strings appears before city name, string here unnamed road, lal qila, chandni chowk, new delhi, city 110006, india. here want extract chandni chowk, new delhi . remember city name can of length. below code can u pls reduce time complexity var c = 0; var arr = []; for(var = location.length - 15; >= 0; i--){ if (c > 2) { break; } if (location[i] == ",") { c++; arr.push(i); // arr[c] = i; } } if (c == 2) { final_location = location.substring(arr[1] + 2, arr[0]); } else if (c == 3){ final_location = location.substring(arr[2] + 2, arr[0]); } thanks lot guys of ur help if formatting fixed end use way, this edit based on op's request var spli...

vba - Displaying "live" chart data in Excel Userform -

so, have been researching modes of displaying charts in userform. general consensus seems have save chart .gif file , upload within userform image, however, mean using userform have have file saved image in order view information (and not believe of associates take time learn how this, want quick chart-view). is there workaround display chart (which being updated data comes in) within userform? have tried multiple avenues , not finding anything... also, excel 2013 not appear have microsoft office charts option within toolbox, has been changed? thanks! case 1: if chart on worksheet, easier below: private sub userform_initialize() dim fname string call savechart fname = thisworkbook.path & "\temp1.gif" me.image1.picture = loadpicture(fname) end sub private sub savechart() dim mychart chart dim fname string set mychart = sheets("data").chartobjects(1).chart fname = thisworkbook.path & "\temp1.gif...

amazon web services - How would you host a Haskell web app on AWS? -

how go hosting haskell web app on amazon web services? frameworks use? i attempted host scotty(haskell) based web application onto amazon beanstalk. since, there no direct support haskell, had take docker approach. steps involved using default docker image stack (i used stack build application), hosting on docker hub , referencing image amazon elastic beanstalk. i documented whole process in sample helloscotty project on github

Parsing Java command line arguments when jar file and main class are specified -

my java execution run follows: java -cp jar mainclass arga argb argc what arga correspond to? args[1] or args[4] ? thank you. if main method defined as: public static void main(string[] args) { then arga in args[0] . see oracle's command-line arguments tutorial example program.

java - how to generate unique random numbers with a specific range -

i want generate 255 unique random numbers within range (0-255). array not contain duplicate records short [] array =new short[255]; random rand = new random(); boolean flag=false; (int i=0;i<array.length;i++){ int random_integer = rand.nextint(255-0) + 0; (int j=0;j<i;j++){ if ((short)random_integer==array[j]){ flag=true; } } if (flag==false){ array[i]=(short)random_integer; } } (int i=0;i<array.length;i++){ system.out.println(array[i]); } but first 20 0r 30 items values , rest of array items equals zero. solution 1: i read jon skeet's comment, of course, easiest solution: list<integer> list = new arraylist<>(); (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { list.add(i); } //and here point. java have implemented collections.shuffle(list); solution 2 (picking on solution): you need generate number each cell, , check if number exists: short [] array =new short[255]; random ran...

c# - How to use RAPI.Invoke to call device winapi method from Desktop app -

i need device id desktop application, device windows ce 5.0 based handheld terminal , connected pc. getting information application within device easy, can use of getdeviceuniqueid or kerneliocontrol winapi methods example: [dllimport("coredll.dll")] private extern static int getdeviceuniqueid([in, out] byte[] appdata, int cbapplictiondata, int dwdeviceidversion, [in, out] byte[] deviceidouput, out uint pcbdeviceidoutput); public byte[] getdeviceid(string appstring) { // call getdeviceuniqueid byte[] appdata = encoding.unicode.getbytes(appstring); int appdatasize = appdata.length; byte[] deviceoutput = new byte[20]; uint sizeout = 20; getdeviceuniqueid(appdata, appdatasize, 1, deviceoutput, out sizeout); return deviceoutput; } but need desktop application. there sample within w...

android - Unable to send data to server in Json format using Soap Api getting base64 image can not be serlize -

class download1 extends asynctask<void, void, void> { @override protected void onpreexecute() { super.onpreexecute(); } @override protected void doinbackground(void... params) { // todo auto-generated method stub try { soapobject objsavevisitinfradetails = new soapobject(namespace, postmethod_name); jsonarray jsonarr = new jsonarray(); jsonobject pnobj = new jsonobject(); treemap<integer, string> map=new treemap<integer, string>(); bitmap bmp = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(), r.drawable.ic_launcher); bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream(); bmp.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, stream); byte[] bytearray = stream.tobytearray(); (int = 0; < 2; i++) { pnobj.put("feedback", "t...

python - Access Data from Behind Java -

im trying extract goal times dropdown on each fixture here i can't seem find data when searching - ideas why? import requests bs4 import beautifulsoup # load page data r = requests.get("") soup = beautifulsoup(r.content) print soup.prettify() # save teams link in soup.find_all("a"): print link.text # save results link in soup.find_all("abbr"): print link.text ff so data heavy (not mention slow because of loading separate pages) , may block excess amount of requests, way see doing it. go through , href associated results button, load page , parse score information it import requests bs4 import beautifulsoup def parse_page(data): subsoup = beautifulsoup(data) matchoverview = subsoup.find('div', attrs={'id':'match-overview'}) print '--------------' ho...

android - SurfaceView transparency not working properly -

i've read every webpage available on google, read 10+ stackoverflow posts on subject, still cannot working properly. i'm 99% there. there must simple i'm missing i've spent 4 hours on far no luck. i'm working on main menu game i'm writing. want draw animation in center transparent surfaceview, black screen instead of seeing background. since surfaceview on top of linearlayout, i've played around every combination of background color , alpha setting -- nothing works. like 10+ topics on stackoverflow mention, added this: manimview = (surfaceview) findviewbyid (; manimview.setzorderontop(true); // necessary manimview.getholder ().setformat(pixelformat.transparent); surfaceholder sfhtrackholder = manimview.getholder (); sfhtrackholder.addcallback (this); in callbacks this: public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder holder, int format, int width, int height) { holder.setformat(pixelformat.transparen...

javascript - How do I check if a FormData file is empty? -

i'm creating ajax form includes option either specify background color or upload background image. goal bgcolor field ignored if file has been specified bgimg field. <label>color: <input type="color" name="bgcolor" value="#000000"></label><br> <label>image: <input type="file" name="bgimg" accept="image/png"></label><br> i figured easiest way collect form data is, of course, using formdata api: var fd = new formdata(document.getelementbyid('myform')); the problem is, don't know how check formdata object whether or not file has been selected. whether or not file input empty, fd.has('bgimg') returns true because field present--okay, that's sensible. but although fd.get('bgimg') works fine if file has been specified, , can verify positive case, when file input empty same line straight crashes browser! (i've checked in fire...

c# - Dataset not populating even after providing parameters for creating rdlc report. Resturn empty table with only column headers -

i have debugged whole process, parameters provided correctly , authentic dataset in return there no result. table empty. whereas when run query manually in sqlserver return result. reportviewer not show error shows column headers. aspx code: <rsweb:reportviewer id="reportviewer1" runat="server" font-names="verdana" font-size="8pt" width="100%" waitmessagefont-names="verdana" waitmessagefont-size="14pt"> <localreport reportpath="report1.rdlc"> <datasources> <rsweb:reportdatasource datasourceid="objectdatasource1" name="dataset1" /> </datasources> </localreport> </rsweb:reportviewer> <asp:objectdatasource id="objectdatasource1" runat="server" selectmethod="getdata" typename="cabdatasettableadapters.jobstableadapter"></asp:objectdatasource> c# code: p...

java - How to write a generic method to insert an element in an array? -

i have input array [3, 5, 12, 8] , want output array (the input must not affeccted) identical input, element 7 inserted between 5 , 12, @ index 2 of input array. here have far. commented out code doesn't event compile, , added couple of questions arose while trying or way: public static <o>arraylist<o> addtoset(o[] in,o add,int newindex){ // o obj = (o) new object(); //this doesnt work // parameterizedtype obj = (parameterizedtype) getclass().getgenericsuperclass(); // not recognized arraylist<o> out = multipleofsameset(obj, in.length); if (newindex > in.length){ out = new arraylist<>(newindex+1); // noticed initializing arraylist //like throws indexoutofboundsexception when try run out.get(), // explain why?? out.set(newindex, add); } int j = 0; int = 0; while(j<in.length+1){ if (j==newindex){ out.set(j, add); } else if(i<in.length){ out...

javascript - Using jQuery with reddit API, trying to create seperate divs for each post -

the problem is, posts titles, urls, permalinks separately. need title link , etc each post together. here code: $(document).ready(function() { $.getjson( "", function foo(data) { $.each(, 10), function(i, post) { $("#reddit-title").append('<br>' + '<div class="post-title">' + + '</div>'); $("#reddit-url").append('<br>' + '<div class="post-url">' + + '</div>'); $("#reddit-permalink").append('<br>' + '<div class="post-permalink">' + + '</div>'); $("#reddit-ups").append('<br>' + '<div class="post-ups">' + + '</div>'); ...

github - adding sub gh-pages to a Project page -

i have project on github has different folders, each represent step in tutorial , contain own web page. structure following rootfolder iteration1 iteration2 iteration3 etc... iteration7 i deploy content of each iteration own gh-page/project page, process realise this. want achieve have following web-pages: etc.. i know how deploy subfolder github pages this following mean 1 iteration deployed @, not want achieve. in project repository if want publish have put code on gh-pages branch. i've cloned repo, created new gh-pages branch , pushed github.

ios - Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 Xcode CocoaPods -

i've been trying debug error hours, says command /usr/bin/codesign failed exit code 1 seems involve code signing, , i've refreshed provisioning profiles, removed derived data, cleaned project, , tried else on nothing works. appreciated. here's screenshot: // check link sure got solution command /usr/bin/codesign failed exit code 1 /usr/bin/codesign failed exit code 1 command/usr/bin/codesign failed exit code 1- code sign error

java - Components in second JFrame not showing up -

i want start jframe pressing button in jframe. if press button shows jframe not buttons , sliders in it. public class mainmenu extends jframe { private jframe klick; private static final long serialversionuid = 9002; public static void main(string[] args) { new mainmenu(); } public mainmenu() { buildgui1(); } public void buildgui1() throws nullpointerexception { settitle("hauptmenü"); setsize(800, 480); setlayout(new gridlayout()); setalwaysontop(false); setlocation((toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getscreensize().width)/4, (toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getscreensize().height)/4); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); setresizable(false); setvisible(true); final jbutton startclickbt = new jbutton("start clicker"); startclickbt.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { dispose(); if(klick == null ) { kli...

ios - GIDSignIn getting HasNoAuthInKeychain -

i'm using gidsignin on ios. it's working fine. however, here's scenario isn't working. the user picks google sign in option in our app. chrome starts, prompting user credentials. our app killed ios whatever reason. chrome/google uses open url restart our app. gidsignin's handleurl called expected, looks great. our app calls signinsilently, fails hasnoauthinkeychain. assuming our app might killed every time chrome called, there way signinsilently work? instead of calling signinsilently, can call signin, restarts regular sign-in process, opening chrome, .... also, if after hasnoauthinkeychain error restart app manually, signinsilently works fine.

How do i add table heading while loading a table in my JAVA GUI from sqlite database in eclipse? -

ok, learning how use sqlite database java , learning various operations. 1 operation came across loading records sqlite database table in gui program. now, program works fine , shows no problem wouldn't better if can header table when loads data sqlite database. can please me out how can add feature program. here load records table method. btnloadallrecords = new jbutton("loadallrecords"); btnloadallrecords.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { preparedstatement pat; try { string query = "select lender,borrower,money,date records"; pat = connection.preparestatement(query); resultset rs = pat.executequery(); table.setmodel(dbutils.resultsettotablemodel(rs)); } catch (exception j) { } } you mean l...