c# - Winrt, changing a color, depending on a bound value -

i have gridview looks this:

<gridview itemcontainerstyle="{staticresource gridviewitemstyle2}" itemssource="{binding mymeetingssquareusers}" grid.row="1" margin="10,10,10,0"  selectionmode="none" horizontalcontentalignment="left" verticalcontentalignment="bottom">     <gridview.itemspanel>         <itemspaneltemplate>             <itemswrapgrid orientation="vertical" maximumrowsorcolumns="1"/>         </itemspaneltemplate>     </gridview.itemspanel>     <gridview.itemtemplate>         <datatemplate>             <grid height="35" width="35" margin="0,0,10,0" >                 <border borderbrush="red" borderthickness="1" cornerradius="15">                     <ellipse>                         <ellipse.fill>                             <imagebrush stretch="fill" imagesource="ms-appx:///images/photo_empty.png"/>                         </ellipse.fill>                     </ellipse>                 </border>             </grid>         </datatemplate>     </gridview.itemtemplate> </gridview> 

the itemssource use list of items of type:

public class meetinginvitee {     public string id { get; set; }     public string status { get; set; }     public user user { get; set; }     public bitmapimage photo { get; set; } } 

what know is, if possible change color of border use depending on value in status

for example if had 3 possible status: accepted, rejected, pending, colors set either green, red or yellow accordingly.

so if 1 of items on list had status of rejected border have red brush

conditional templates (instead of style data triggers unfortunately) way go in store app. need define 3 different templates each color , in code behind create template selector.

data template selector

   public class meetingtemplateselector : datatemplateselector     {         public datatemplate acceptedtemplate { get; set; }          public datatemplate rejectedtemplate { get; set; }          public datatemplate pendingtemplate { get; set; }          protected override datatemplate selecttemplatecore(object item,                    dependencyobject container)         {            datatemplate result;             switch( ((meetinginvitee) item).status)            {                 case "accepted" : result = acceptedtemplate; break;                 case "rejected" : result = rejectedtemplate; break;                 case "pending"  : result = pendingtemplate; break;            }            return result;         }     } 

declare templates in resources

<usercontrol.resources>     <datatemplate x:key="acceptedtemplate">         <border background="green">              ...         </border>     </datatemplate>     <datatemplate x:key="rejectedtemplate">         <border background="red">              ...         </border>     </datatemplate>     <datatemplate x:key="pendingtemplate">         <border background="yellow">              ...         </border>     </datatemplate>      <local:meetingtemplateselector x:key="meetingselector"                                     acceptedtemplate="{staticresource acceptedtemplate}"                                     rejectedtemplate="{staticresource rejectedtemplate}"                                     pendingtemplate="{staticresource pendingtemplate}">     </local:meetingtemplateselector > </usercontrol.resources> 


<gridview itemcontainerstyle="{staticresource gridviewitemstyle2}"            itemssource="{binding mymeetingssquareusers}"            itemtemplateselector="{staticresource meetingselector}"> 


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