java - how to do something while you are waiting a Thread.join() -
i'm trying while thread waiting join() method want change name of button while waiting it's not working... , don't know why here's awful code:
if( e.getsource()==botonfiltro ){ double [] datosfiltro2 = { (double.parsedouble(montotextfield.gettext())),//0monto (double.parsedouble(txtporcentaje.gettext())/100),//1porcentaje (double.parsedouble(txtprecio.gettext())),//2precio (double.parsedouble(txtrango.gettext())/100),//3rango (double.parsedouble(txtpmasduro.gettext())/100)//4pmasduro }; double [] datosfiltro1= {}; botonfiltro.settext("filtrando"); hilolanzarfiltro hilo = new hilolanzarfiltro(programa, datosfiltro1, datosfiltro2); thread tfiltrando = new thread(hilo); tfiltrando.start(); try { // while(tfiltrando.isalive()){ // botonfiltro.settext("filtrando."); // thread.sleep(500); // botonfiltro.settext("filtrando.."); // thread.sleep(500); // botonfiltro.settext("filtrando..."); // thread.sleep(500); // } tfiltrando.join(); } catch (interruptedexception e1) { // } this.programa= hilo.getprograma(); string[] l = new string[programa.getcompañias().size()]; int i= 0; for(compañia c: programa.getcompañias()){ l[i++]=c.getsymbol(); } jlistaprincipal.setlistdata(l); lblcompaiasencontradas.settext("compa\u00f1ias encontradas: "+programa.getcompañias().size()); botonfiltro.settext("filtrar"); }
the commented lines "thing" wanted do... thanks.
move changing label "tfiltrando" thread. * can either wait or execute tasks, never both.
*to honest, there 1 thing need understand: ui manipulation should done ui thread.
so suggest reading swingworker . should much.
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