java - Why is one TimerTask slowing down another? -
i have got timer task, updates player positions:
public void run(){ {updatewatcher = new timertask() { public void run() { update(0.1); } }; t.scheduleatfixedrate(updatewatcher, 5, 5);}
and have timertask right under one, updates projectile positions:
updatewatcher = new timertask() { //different variable. note capital u. public void run() { (bullet b : bullets){ b.update(); } } }; t.scheduleatfixedrate(updatewatcher, 5, 5); }
however, second timertask slowing down first one. if delete iteration, this:
updatewatcher = new timertask() { public void run() { } }; t.scheduleatfixedrate(updatewatcher, 5, 5); }
the player moves @ correct speed. however, re-add code (using eclipse de-bugging add live), delayed task executes lot less often, causing players moving more 10 times slower usual.
what causing this, , how fix it?
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