Oracle SQL PHP INSERT speed optimization? -
i'm trying insert lot of data oracle sql db, doing following...
foreach ($service $valor) { $j=0; foreach($fechahorainf $fecha){ $i=0; $consulta="insert prueba_sms(fechahorainf,servicio,valor) values (to_date('".$fecha."','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'".$valor."','".$data[$j][$i]."')"; $stmt = oci_parse($conexion, $consulta); oci_execute($stmt,oci_default); $i++; } oci_commit($conexion); oci_free_statement($stmt); $j++; }
note count($j)=count($service)=30
, count($i)=count($fechahorainf)=720
the point here i'm going insert 21600 rows , takes lot of time.
is there tip improve speed?
update: tried load date infile daan , citywall sugested way:
$consulta="load data local infile 'files/data.csv' table prueba_sms fields terminated ';' lines terminated '\n' (fechahorainf,nodo,servicio,valor)"; $stmt=oci_parse($conexion, $consulta); oci_execute($stmt);
but receive warning without information... warning: oci_execute(): in c:\path_to_archive.php on line 160
in case load data reason not option you, steps recommend taking improve speed:
1) make sure there no auto-commit going on. committing yes, if there no transaction without auto-commit going on, not matter. since using oci_default there should no auto-commit.
2) not parse sql every insert ... reuse parsed sql , replace values insert using oci_bind_by_name .. see second sample on how this. should speed insert lot ... , optimize network traffic, sql parsing resources @ db , on.
3) instead of committing every group, count inserts , try out optimal commit rate - last point not think matter lot in case.
i try out step 2 , see how can gain avoiding parse sql every insert ...
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