c# - Why is my List.GetUserEffectivePermissions() method not working? -

i'm developing process in c# sharepoint 2013 client side object model. need retrieve sharepoint list permissions of given user, different user executing code.

using sp = microsoft.sharepoint.client;  sp.clientcontext spcontext = new sp.clientcontext("siteurl"); sp.web siteweb = spcontext.web; sp.list lst = spcontext.web.lists.getbytitle("list"); var clientusereffperms = lst.getusereffectivepermissions(@"<domain>\<username>");  spcontext.load(siteweb, s => s.effectivebasepermissions); spcontext.load(lst, l => l.effectivebasepermissions); spcontext.executequery(); 

after code executes, clientusereffperms.value (basepermissions) object not represent permissions of given user correctly. object isn't null, represents user having no permissions. user has @ minimum view , edit permissions , can confirm viewing/editing list items using web browser user.

the code executing user has permission enumerate permissions @ both web , list level. i've confirmed code below, both booleans resolve true.

bool svcuserhassiteenumpermsperm = siteweb.effectivebasepermissions.has(sp.permissionkind.enumeratepermissions); bool svcuserhaslistenumpermsperm = lst.effectivebasepermissions.has(sp.permissionkind.enumeratepermissions); 

can me determine wrong getusereffectivepermissions() method?

when call getusereffectivepermissions need pass in full claims token version of login name, looks this:


you can loading loginname property on user object:

clientcontext.load(clientcontext.web.currentuser, => i.loginname); clientcontext.executequery(); 

of course, that's current user, you'll need acquire user want first.


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