twitter - Spark Streaming - CheckPointing issue -
i've done twitter streaming using twitter's streaming user api , spark streaming. runs on local machine. when run program on cluster in local mode. run first time. later on gives following exception.
"exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sparkexception: found both spark.executor.extraclasspath , spark_classpath. use former."
and spark class path unset already!! have make new checkpoint directory each time make run successfully. otherwise shows above exception.
can me resolve issue? :)
had faced similar issue. setting spark_classpath causes problems depricated. don't use it.
export lib_jars=dependency/jcodings-1.0.8.jar,dependency.....etc spark-submit --deploy-mode client --master local --class --num-executors 10 --jars ${lib_jars}
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