vb.net - How to assign code to a code created button? -
i writing in vb 2010, did form has button "new", shows new form created code on execution time , form contains textbox , 2 more buttons. problem is, how can add code buttons b1 or b2 created? how can store data textbox in variable when click on 1 button or else. i've read post asking somthing similar here they're related vba. wrote whole code below. help.
private sub button2_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button2.click dim f new form dim tb new textbox dim b1, b2 new button dim l new label f .size = new system.drawing.size(220, 120) .startposition = formstartposition.centerparent .text = "new" .minimizebox = false .maximizebox = false .controls.add(b1) .controls.add(b2) .controls.add(tb) .controls.add(l) end l .size = new system.drawing.size(180, 20) .location = new point(10, 3) .text = "label" end tb .size = new system.drawing.size(180, 30) .location = new point(10, 20) .text = "" end b1 .size = new system.drawing.size(70, 30) .location = new point(30, 50) .text = "create" end b2 .size = new system.drawing.size(70, 30) .location = new point(120, 50) .text = "cancel" end f.show()
end sub
for displaying textbox text problem, can use lambda expression handler keeps of variables in scope , allows access textbox directly.
... code above example ... b2 .size = new system.drawing.size(70, 30) .location = new point(120, 50) .text = "cancel" end addhandler b1.click, sub(s, e2) msgbox(tb.text) end sub f.show()
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