Sorting a list with a checkbox column in android -
i have listview in android contains 4 columns in row. can sorted 2 columns (id, group) other 2 color status value , checkbox. rows being sorted using comparators id, group when called notify these values sorted color , checkbox not. there way sort list based on row?
added code id comparator:
public static class idcomparator implements comparator<myobject> { @override public int compare(myobject lhs, myobject rhs) { if (lhs.getid() == null) { if (rhs.getid() == null) { //equal return 0; } else { //lhs < return -1; } } if (rhs.getid() == null) { //lhs > return 1; } //neither null if (lhs.getid() < rhs.getid()) { return -1; } else if (lhs.getid() > rhs.getid()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }
this method called here:
collections.sort(mylist, idcomparator);
i using collection.sort sorting in project :
collections.sort(headerlist, new comparator<headervo>() { @override public int compare(headervo e1, headervo e2) { return double.valueof(e2.getpno()).compareto(double.valueof(e1.getpno())); } });
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