regex - grep between two strings if pattern in the middle linux -
i want grep between 2 strings if there pattern between them. example, in text: first wanted string start, second end, , pattern 1 2 3 each in new line.
start abc abc 1 2 3 abc end bla bla start abc abc 1 2 4 abc end bla bla start abc abc 1 2 3 abc abc end
the result should be:
start abc abc 1 2 3 abc end start abc abc 1 2 3 abc abc end
sed -ne '/start/{:a;n;/end/!b a;/\n1\n2\n3\n/p}'
line line:
we need text starting 'start':
sed -ne '/start/{
we found 'start', add 'end' pattern space;
set label named 'a':
add next line pattern space:
if not found 'end' - jump 'a'
now check if have desired pattern contain 1 2 3 , print
they separated '\n' on separate lines
/\n1\n2\n3\n/p }'
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