soap - Replace Anonymous Inner Class By Lambda. How does this work? -

while sending soap message, wanted add custom headers did below;

jaxbelement<configurationresponse> jaxbelementresponse = (jaxbelement<configurationresponse>) getwebservicetemplate()                         .marshalsendandreceive(urltosend,                                 new objectfactory().createconfigurationrequest(request),                                 new webservicemessagecallback() {                                     @override                                     public void dowithmessage(webservicemessage message) throws ioexception, transformerexception {                                         saajsoapmessage soapmessage = (saajsoapmessage) message;                                         soapheaderelement id = soapmessage.getsoapheader().addheaderelement(new qname(uri, localpart, prefix));                                         id.settext(text);                                     }                                 }); 

but "netbeans" tell me can use lambda expr. if change, like,

jaxbelement<configurationresponse> jaxbelementresponse = (jaxbelement<configurationresponse>) getwebservicetemplate()                         .marshalsendandreceive(urltosend,                                 new objectfactory().createconfigurationrequest(request), (webservicemessage message) -> {                                     saajsoapmessage soapmessage = (saajsoapmessage) message;                                     soapheaderelement id = soapmessage.getsoapheader().addheaderelement(new qname(uri, localpart, prefix));                                     id.settext(text);                 }); 

are both same? if yes, how works?

a lambda expression syntactical sugar on anonymous class. lambda can used ever type functional interface, interface declares 1 abstract method. lambda expression provides implementation of single method.

for case webservicemessagecallback functional interface. has 1 abstract method: dowithmessage(...). lambda expression created provides implementation of method.


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