import - Java importing Package wont work [Compiler throwing missleading Errors] -
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when try import package, throws weird error. i'm working eclipse , imported package humanbeeings
the error says: syntax error, @ expected
i dont know how fix got idea?
placed @ on several places nothing seems work
the code of list collection class following:
package listcollection; import humanbeeings.human; import java.util.linkedlist; import java.util.list; public class listcollection { list<human> list = new linkedlist <human>(); // <> zur spezifizierung der objektklasse, nur objekte dieser klasse dürfen in die liste list.add(new human("dennis", 20)); list.add(new human("vladimir", 33)); (human h: list) { // für das objekt der objektklasse human in der list system.out.println(h.getname()); } }
the code of human class looks this..
package humanbeeings; public class human { // objekteigenschaften private string name; private int age; // konstrucktoren public human(string name, int age){ = name; this.age = age; } // accessoren/methoden public void setname(string name){ = name; } public string getname(){ return; } public void setage(int age){ this.age = age; } public int getage(){ return this.age; } //main public static void main(string[] args){ // actions here... } }
the statements you've written not appear inside method. place them inside method, so:
public void testmylistcollection() { list<human> list = new linkedlist <human>(); // etcetera }
it important java compiler follow syntax of java closely. in particular example placed statements inside class body, not inside method body. type of statements allowed in class body "assignments", i.e. when assign value instance variable:
public class example { private int myvalue = 3 + 3; // statement inside class body, // because part of assignment }
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