lua - 3 point object moving is happening all at once -
i making jumping game there object @ left side of screen, on platform. once object jumps , lands on platform on right, following:
1) platform on right moves left
2) platform on left (that jumped off from) moves off-screen.
3) new platform supposed appear @ right side of screen, continuing loop.
i have made functions allows object jump , show if collision successful or not. problem is, 3 things have mentioned above happens, keeps on going , not stop object make next jump. makes object go off screen well, since platforms keep moving towards left. after debugging, feel problem lies collision happens. because, once touches platform, collision keeps on happening until object off of platform. wondering if guys can me this!
here part of code relevant:
local onplatform = false local gamestarted = false function playercollision( self, event ) if ( event.phase == "began" ) --if hit bottom column, u points if == "player" , event.other.type == "bottomcolumn" print ("hit column") onplatform = true else --if hit else, gameover --composer.gotoscene( "restart" ) print ("hit ground") end end end function movecolumns() = elements.numchildren,1,-1 --speed of columns moving --if greater -100, keep moving left --puts platform @ right , stops if (elements[a].x > display.contentwidth/1.1) elements[a].x = elements[a].x - 12 end --moves platform left after lands if (onplatform == true) if (elements[a].x > display.contentwidth/3 , elements[a].x < display.contentwidth/1.11) elements[a].x = elements[a].x - 12 end end --moves left platform off-screen , deletes after passes x-axis if (onplatform == true) if(elements[a].x > -100 , elements[a].x < display.contentwidth/2.99) elements[a].x = elements[a].x - 12 --adds score if goes past x-axis @ left side elseif(elements[a].x < -100) mydata.score = mydata.score + 1 tb.text = mydata.score elements[a].scoreadded = true elements:remove(elements[a]) elements[a] = nil end end end end
when calling movecolumns?? call within playercollision , remove onplatform variable? need bit more code properly.
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