iphone - Can't get AIR app to display in landscape mode in iOS (AS3) -

this issue happening in ios only, android , pc versions of app display in landscape mode fine no issues

i trying app display in landscape mode in ios or @ least able orient landscape mode when iphone/ipad tilted landscape position

however no matter try app open in portrait mode dimensions 480x320 , have tried setting aspectratio in publish options landscape, have tried


i have tried adding "aspectratio> landscape /aspectratio>" xml file

i have been looking days fix on issue , nothing works please 1 help!

how publishing app (i.e. flashcc, flashbuilder etc) , using latest air sdk?

publishing landscape ios apps possible air suspect it's going issue how settings are.

if you're targeting ipads perhaps try including landscape default image. default-landscape.png, default-landscaperight.png etc.


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