java - Error: Cannot Find Symbol / No Spelling Mistakes? -
basically, want create program find slope of 2 coordinates. i've done this, want program ask if wants re-start-- in, find different slope, without user having exit , re-open program. code, minus unnecessary bits:
import; public class slopefinder{ public static void main(string[] args) { console console = system.console(); do{ /* code find slope here. asks x1, y1, x2 , y2 values using readline method on console , parses strings , math, obviously. prints out slope. */ } string cont = console.readline(" find slope? y/n "); } while (cont.equalsignorecase("y")); } }
the issue i'm having i'm getting error "cannot find symbol" in reference line says
i don't understand i'm doing wrong? spelled correctly..
declared inside loop, it's not within scope in loop's condition. should declare before loop.
string cont = "y"; { ... cont = console.readline(" find slope? y/n "); } while (cont.equalsignorecase("y"));
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