Parse error on Google GeoLocate API sample JSON -
has google changed geolocation api , not updated documentation?
i have been following example code verbatim off of following page
i pasted sample request file on system called ex.json. double checked google maps geolocation api set on , executed following curl command
curl -d ex.json -h "content-type: application/json" -i "[my key, yes pasted actual key in]"
i received following response
{ "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "parseerror", "message": "parse error" } ], "code": 400, "message": "parse error" } }
which according documentation means there wrong example json provided. completeness sample json looks
{ "homemobilecountrycode": 310, "homemobilenetworkcode": 260, "radiotype": "gsm", "carrier": "t-mobile", "celltowers": [ { "cellid": 39627456, "locationareacode": 40495, "mobilecountrycode": 310, "mobilenetworkcode": 260, "age": 0, "signalstrength": -95 } ], "wifiaccesspoints": [ { "macaddress": "01:23:45:67:89:ab", "signalstrength": 8, "age": 0, "signaltonoiseratio": -65, "channel": 8 }, { "macaddress": "01:23:45:67:89:ac", "signalstrength": 4, "age": 0 } ] }
jsonlint verified proper json, , documentation says fields optional. missing, required field added after documentation written?
curl needs "-x post" parameter. works this:
curl '' -x post -h "content-type: application/json" -d @yourjsonfile.json
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