php - Many to many relation with ON DELETE CASCADE with Symfony and Doctrine -

i want simple many many relation symfony , doctrine. unidirectional one-to-many association can mapped through join table the docs indicate using yaml file configure following code:

in file content.orm.yml:

manytomany:   comments:     cascade: ["persist","remove"]     ondelete: cascade     options:       cascade:         remove: true         persist: true         #refresh: true         #merge: true         #detach: true     orphanremoval: false     orderby: null     targetentity: comment     jointable:       name: content_comments       joincolumns:         content_id:           referencedcolumnname: id       inversejoincolumns:         comment_id:           referencedcolumnname: id           unique: true 

this produce following sql commands:

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql | grep -i "comment\|content" create table comment (id int auto_increment not null, text longtext not null, content_id int not null, creation_date datetime not null, primary key(id)) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = innodb; create table contents (id int auto_increment not null, user int default null, user_id int not null,file varchar(255) default null, index idx_b4fa11778d93d649 (user), primary key(id)) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = innodb; create table content_comments (content_id int not null, comment_id int not null, index idx_d297cc584a0a3ed (content_id), unique index uniq_d297cc5f8697d13 (comment_id), primary key(content_id, comment_id)) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci engine = innodb; alter table contents add constraint fk_b4fa11778d93d649 foreign key (user) references users (id); alter table content_comments add constraint fk_d297cc584a0a3ed foreign key (content_id) references contents (id); alter table content_comments add constraint fk_d297cc5f8697d13 foreign key (comment_id) references comment (id); 

but can see, foreign key instructions doesn't have parte "on delete cascade", try put yaml annotations found.

because in code, trying delete "content" entity , "comments" associated code:

        $comments = $content->getcomments();          // remove first parent         $entity_manager->remove($content);         $entity_manager->flush();          // remove childs         foreach($comments $comment)         {             $entity_manager->remove($comment);         }          $entity_manager->flush(); 

this produce following exception.

an exception occurred while executing 'delete comment id = ?' params [1]:\n\nsqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1451 cannot delete or update parent row: foreign key constraint fails (`bb2server`.`content_comments`, constraint `fk_d297cc5f8697d13` foreign key (`comment_id`) references `comment` (`id`)) 

so, doing wrong? or how force doctrine put "on delete cascade" in many many relations?

my dirty workaround drop sql query , rebuild myself, need doctrine create query in schema:update avoid patching:

mysql> show create table content_comments; +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | table            | create table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | content_comments | create table `content_comments` (   `content_id` int(11) not null,   `comment_id` int(11) not null,   primary key (`content_id`,`comment_id`),   unique key `uniq_d297cc5f8697d13` (`comment_id`),   key `idx_d297cc584a0a3ed` (`content_id`),   constraint `fk_d297cc584a0a3ed` foreign key (`content_id`) references `contents` (`id`),   constraint `fk_d297cc5f8697d13` foreign key (`comment_id`) references `comment` (`id`) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_unicode_ci | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)  mysql> alter table content_comments drop foreign key fk_d297cc5f8697d13; query ok, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) records: 0  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0  mysql> alter table content_comments add constraint fk_d297cc5f8697d13 foreign key (`content_id`) references `contents` (`id`) on delete cascade; query ok, 10 rows affected (0.07 sec) records: 10  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0 

edit: workaround. need put ondelete: cascade under joincolumns

manytomany:   comments:     cascade: ["persist","remove"]     ondelete: cascade     options:       cascade:         remove: true         persist: true         #refresh: true         #merge: true         #detach: true     orphanremoval: false     orderby: null     targetentity: comment     jointable:       name: content_comments       joincolumns:         content_id:           referencedcolumnname: id           ondelete: cascade       inversejoincolumns:         comment_id:           referencedcolumnname: id           unique: true           ondelete: cascade 

i've never used yaml format define entities , relations don't know if same, annotations ondelete option belongs @orm\joincolumn annotation:

/**  * @var \appbundle\entity\actor $actor  *  * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="actor", inversedby="fields")  * @orm\joincolumn(name="actor_id", referencedcolumnname="id", nullable=false, ondelete="cascade")  */ protected $actor = null; 

ps: after quick search i've found answer:


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