textview - How to reduce the space around rating bar in android -

i have included rating bar in android, , need place text view immediate right if rating bar.but failed same since, there lot of unwanted space (rectangular blue box) around rating bar, prevents me placing textview immediate right side. there way reduce space around rating bar , both textview , rating bar comes in same line , textview placed next rating bar without gap.please me support! in advance! here xml code it.

<ratingbar      android:id="@+id/overall"      android:layout_width="wrap_content"      android:layout_height="wrap_content"      android:layout_marginbottom="70dp"      android:numstars="5"      android:rating="0.0"      android:scalex="0.4"      android:scaley="0.4"      android:stepsize="0.01" /> 

you can use android default styles, like:


in xml layout. using above , have no space around it. can check variants here


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