java - why the logical operators change the object -
why when use below code eclipse highlights (!line.equals(""))
red , says: null pointer access: variable line can null @ location
but not receive warning message if used : && instead of ||?
string line = br.readline(); if ( (line != null) || (!line.equals("")) ) { } else { log.d(tag, "main", "file empty"); }
this classic "short circuit".
for && case:
if ((line != null) && (!line.equals("")) {
if line equal null, there no reason compiler process second part of if statement. whole if statement must false. short circuits second part of if statement, , don't null reference exception.
when switch && ||, compiler have process second part of if statement, because if either part true whole thing true. therefore, can null reference exception.
note: if can use stringutils of apache commons-lang both checks in one:
if (stringutils.isnotblank(str))
update: || case, if first part true, whole if statement must true, again there no reason process second part of if statement.
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