Powershell: read computer monitor size from WMI script then write in a list -

i need list monitor sizes. found script here

it works single computer. want change import computerlist , export csv.

param($computername = 'computername')  $output = [pscustomobject]@{computername = $computername;monitorsizes=''}  $owmi = get-wmiobject -namespace 'rootwmi' -computername $computername -query "select maxhorizontalimagesize,maxverticalimagesize wmimonitorbasicdisplayparams"; $sizes = @(); if ($owmi.count -gt 1) {     foreach ($i in $owmi) {         $x = [system.math]::pow($i.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2)         $y = [system.math]::pow($i.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2)         $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0)     }##endforeach } else {     $x = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2)     $y = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2)     $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0) }##endif  $output.monitorsizes = $sizes  $output 

example results:

computername monitorsizes
------------ ------------
computername {15, 24}

computername monitorsizes
------------ ------------
pc1 {19}

this easy in powershell. wrap code in foreach loop , iterate on 1 or more computer names:

param(     [string[]]$computername )  foreach($computer in $computername){      $owmi = get-wmiobject -namespace 'root\wmi' -computername $computer -query "select maxhorizontalimagesize,maxverticalimagesize wmimonitorbasicdisplayparams";      $sizes = @()      if ($owmi.count -gt 1)      {         foreach ($i in $owmi) {             $x = [system.math]::pow($i.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2)             $y = [system.math]::pow($i.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2)             $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0)         }##endforeach     }else{         $x = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2)         $y = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2)         $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0)      }##endif      new-object pscustomobject -property @{computername = $computer; monitorsizes = $sizes} } 

assuming save file called getmonitorsizes.ps1, use this:

$names = "server1","server2","server3" .\getmonitorsizes.ps1 -computername $names 

or if have file computer name on each line:

$names = get-content '\\server\list.txt' .\getmonitorsizes.ps1 -computername $names 

you can pipe resulting objects csv file export-csv cmdlet:

.\getmonitorsizes.ps1 -computername $names | export-csv .\screensizes.csv -notypeinformation 


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