- c# Bundle Transform Break cache -
i create bundle transform modifies bundle content , triggers cache break, not able break cache.
so far have following code:-
public class bundleconfig { public static void registerbundles(bundlecollection bundles) { stylebundle bundle = new stylebundle("~/content/global"); bundle.transforms.add(new cachebreaktransform()); bundle.include("~/css/main.css"); bundles.add(bundle); } } public class cachbreaktransform : ibundletransform { void ibundletransform.process(bundlecontext context, bundleresponse response) { if(updateneeded()) { response.content = getupdatedcontent(response.content); //cache break needed here } } }
i can update content of bundle, if file included in bundle hasn't changed bundle still cached , updated content not used. able break bundle cache updated content used.
two options
setting response.cacheability nocache work, mean bundle never cached
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