c# - error when requesting xml document as xml via web api call -

i have xml document want return via web api call.

i want allow user option of response via content negotiation.

 [httpget]  public httpresponsemessage get()  {       var doc = new xmldocument();       doc.loadxml("<myexport someproperty='some value'></myexport>");        return request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.ok, doc);   } 

when request accept header of application/xml error:

<error>     <message>an error has occurred.</message>     <exceptionmessage>the 'objectcontent`1' type failed serialize response body content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.</exceptionmessage>     <exceptiontype>system.invalidoperationexception</exceptiontype> 

what doing wrong thought should handled via content negotiation?

the problem here returning xml (or, more accurately, xmldocument object)---so pre-empting sensible content negotiation. if client asks json, server returns xml, there's going problem.

the idea web api return poco objects , framework serializes them automagically requested format.


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