angularjs - Change position of legend in angular nvd3.js -
i trying change position of legends bottom of piechart [which top default]. in normal nvd3.js without angular-nvd3, it's suggested use:".nv-legendwrap") .attr("transform", "translate(100,100)");
is possible in angular-nvd3 or there option?
override css custom attributes:
.your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(1){ transform: translate(0, 0); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(2){ transform: translate(0, 20px); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(3){ transform: translate(0, 40px); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(4){ transform: translate(0, 60px); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(5){ transform: translate(0, 80px); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(6){ transform: translate(0, 100px); } .your-div-class .nv-series:nth-child(7){ transform: translate(0, 120px); } .your-div-class .nv-legend{ transform: translate(180px, 150px); } .your-div-class .nv-legendwrap{ transform: translate(-80px, 70px); }
your-div-class refers class applied div container contains chart directive. change translate(0, 0) property (x, y) pixel values.
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