Create Nexus User Through REST API -

i working nexus oss 2.11.x , create new users through rest api. following command correctly retrieves list of users, confirming able call api:

curl -u $nexus_user:$nexus_pass $nexus_local/service/local/users 

based on api documentation, i've constructed json user object:

export user='{"data":{"email":"","firstname":"test","lastname":"ing","userid":"testing","status": "active","roles":["repository-any-read"],"password": "test123$"}}' 

and submit post request:

curl -i -h "accept: application/json" -h "contenttype: application/json; charset=utf-8" -v -d "$user" -u $nexus_user:$nexus_pass $nexus_local/service/local/users 

the response comes http 201 (created) - get /service/local/users gives me original user list. user not in list provided ui, , log (available in ui) not indicate activity took place. $nexus_user account in "nexus administrator" role.

does have suggestion i'm overlooking here?

i used above code , had same problem:

http/1.1 201 created 

and nothing happened. after debuging noticed simple typo above problem. instead:

-h "contenttype: application/json; charset=utf-8" 

should be:

-h "content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" 

(notice dash in content-type) , started working.


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