ruby on rails - Destroying some records takes a really, really long time -

i have product model has_many productattributes in rails 4.2.3 application.

a product can have on 10,000 producattributes sometimes.

i need delete of these products, when call destroy on product, takes really, long time. looks gets list of ids productattribute, called delete on each 1 individually.

but when gets end, sort of hangs. have lot of data delete, , need this.

but can't have thing hang forever. have ctrl-c, after time see rollback happening.

my question is, in heck doing? why can't reliably delete lots of data application layer?

i suspect use like

has_many :product_attributes, dependent: :destroy 

you might want using dependent: :delete rails doesn't instantiate dependent records before destroying them individually.

the documentation have more information consequences (e.g. if callbacks executed on dependent models etc.)


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