docusignapi - DocuSign for Salesforce - Custom Button Code Email Subject and Messages for multiple recipients -

we have multiple recipients in our template workflow , different email subject , email message each recipient. have custom button code put customize subject , message initial recipient, need on how add different signers/roles.

routing: order 1: broker 1 order 2: client 2 order 3: broker 1

here's current code:

{!requirescript("/apex/dsfs__docusign_javascript")} //********* option declarations (do not modify )*********//  var rc = '';var rsl='';var rsro='';var rros='';var ccrm='';var cctm='';var ccnm='';var crcl=''; var crl='';var oco='';var dst='';var la='';var cem='';var ces='';var stb='';var ssb='';var ses='';var sem='';var srs='';var scs ='';var res=''; //*************************************************//  // modify individual options here:  // custom email message (default in config)  cem = 'please review , complete group application above client. thanks!{!implementation__c.sales_representative__c}'  // custom email subject (default in config)  ces = 'action needed: sold paperwork {!implementation__c.account_name__c}'  //********* page callout (do not modify) *********//  window.location.href ="/apex/dsfs__docusign_createenvelope?dseid=0&sourceid={!}&rc="+rc+"&rsl="+rsl+"&rsro="+rsro+"&rros="+rros+"&ccrm="+ccrm+"&cctm="+cctm+"&crcl="+crcl+"&crl="+crl+"&oco="+oco+"&dst="+dst+"&ccnm="+ccnm+"&la="+la+"&cem="+cem+"&ces="+ces+"&srs="+srs+"&stb="+stb+"&ssb="+ssb+"&ses="+ses+"&sem="+sem+"&srs="+srs+"&scs="+scs+"&res="+res; //*******************************************// 

unfortunately, cannot change email subject/body per recipient. docusign allow add note recipient show in envelopeactivation email. can done recipientnote section in crl parameter.

if not want specify both first name , last name, omit firstname~ mapping , define lastname~ mapping. your custom list must have mapping email. role, routingorder, accesscode, recipientnote, signnow , signinpersonname values optional.

the other fields strings , must not contain either ‘,’ (comma) or ‘;’ (semicolon), since 2 characters used parse crl string. since commas , semicolons used in recipientnote, can specify comma or semi embed ‘,’ or ‘;’ in note. ‘\n’ can used embed carriage return in note. example: if recipientnote~recipientnote__c is: “hi_comma_\nthis wonderful opportunity_semi_ please sign.\nthank you.” note appears as:

hi, wonderful opportunity; please sign. thank you.

hope helps!


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