generics - Type inference and type bounds in Scala -

consider following classes:

class type { def +(other:type):type = this} class subtype extends type 

now want create wrapper object takes binary function operating on type or derived types, let's start with:

case class fct(f:(type,type) => type) 

i can instantiate fct class using _+_ apply method, cannot pass function using subtype class, expected:

val f1 = fct(_+_) // ok val f2 = fct((x:subtype,y:type) => y) // error: found: (subtype, type) => type, required: (type, type) => type 

now can define fct using generics , type bounds accept subtypes:

case class fct[t <: type, u <: type, v <: type](f:(t,u) => v) 

now f2 working expected, f1 not valid anymore, , don't understand why:

val f1 = fct(_+_)  // error: missing parameter type val f2 = fct((x:subtype,y:type) => y) // ok 

is there syntax accept both f1 , f2?


(reply m-z) there way around variance issues factory? like:

class fct(f:(type,type) => type) object fct {   def apply(f:(type,type) => type): fct = new fct(f)   def apply[t <: type, u <: type, v <: type](f:(t,u) => v): fct =     new fct((x:type,y:type) => {(x,y) match {       case (a:t, b:u) => f(a,b)       case _ => ???     }}: type) } 

the problem fct((x: subtype, y: type) => y) not syntax, it's variance. f in fct has type (type, type) => type, i.e. function2[type, type, type]. function2 contravariant on first 2 type parameters.

this means (subtype, type) => type is not sub-type of (type, type) => type. therefore cannot use in place of (type, type) => type. note fct((x: type, y: type) => y) works fine.

with generic version of fct, when write fct(_+_), there no way infer types t , u. best can hope in case like:

fct[subtype, type, type](_ + _) 

in short, first approach work fine, function parameter types nailed down type (or super types of that, not want). may okay though, because can still pass subtype parameters function, cannot restrict parameters subtype without breaking contravariance of function2. second approach work if annotate types somewhere.


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