node.js - How do you access flags passed in through the command line in Node? -
i know access them in process.argv
. ex.
~/code/study-buddies $ node server/app.js --dev [ 'node', '/users/azerner/code/study-buddies/server/app.js', '--dev' ]
but best practice? if want access array of flags, not normal command line arguments?
"best practice" relative question , i'm not sure mean "the normal command line arguments" stuff can found in other people have done in past.
for example, can @ minimist see 1 way arguments handled. initial example pretty simple: pass argv
array module , parses receives.
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
the module loops through argument array, parsing out , building object can used without worrying quite fiddly bits of argv parsing.
other modules, node-getopt , commander.js provide ton more functions, in end relying upon argv
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