node.js - How to load contents of an external file into gulp browser-sync -
i loading browser-sync proxy , want load search , replace terms external file in order amend page loaded browser.
the reason want load search , replace terms separate file because want make use of gulp-watch , reload browser-sync search , replace terms updated.
my project folder:
- regex/search.txt <- search term stored in file
- regex/replace.txt <- replace term stored in file
- gulpfile.js
contents of gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp'), fs = require("fs"), browsersync = require('browser-sync'); var proj_url = ""; var search_text = ""; var replace_text = ""; gulp.task('readregex', function() { return gulp.src('regex/*.txt') .pipe(fs.readfile("regex/search.txt", "utf-8", function(err, data) { search_text = data; })) .pipe(fs.readfile("regex/replace.txt", "utf-8", function(err, data) { replace_text = data; })) }); gulp.task('browser-sync', function() { browsersync({ proxy: { target: proj_url }, rewriterules: [ { match: search_text, fn: function (match) { return replace_text; } } ] }); }); gulp.task('default', ['readregex','browser-sync'], function() {['regex/*.txt'], [browsersync.reload]); });
this doesn't work. following error:
typeerror: cannot call method 'on' of undefined ...
for work need make browser-sync dependant in readregex
gulp.task('browser-sync', ['readregex'], function() {
this guarantees proper execution order.
then can make readregex sync (and simpler) way:
gulp.task('readregex', function() { search_text = fs.readfilesync("regex/search.txt", "utf-8").tostring(); replace_text = fs.readfilesync("regex/replace.txt", "utf-8").tostring(); });
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