objective c - Alternative option of UIButton addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method in IOS -
i know question has been asked many times want pass custom object argument on clicking button.
uibutton addtarget:action:forcontrolevents:
doesn't allow important me can further on basis of custom objects.
if alternative add target possible, please give solution.
the code this:
custom object:
headerdata *cell ;
_forward =[uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontyperoundedrect]; [_forward settitle:@"f" forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; _forward.frame = cgrectmake(300, (_cell_height-_label_height)/2, 10 ,_label_height);] [_forward addtarget:web action:@selector(functionname:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside];
and function called on clicking uibutton _forward is:
-(void)functionname:(uibutton *)sender{ //code further programming on basis of cell. }
you make custom subclass of uibutton:
@interface customdatabutton : uibutton @property (nonatomic, strong) id userdata; @end
then in functionname, can pull data out:
-(void)functionname:(uibutton *)sender { if ([sender iskindofclass:[customdatabutton class]]) { id customdata = ((customdatabutton *) sender).userdata; } }
caveat: written without ide. watch out typos etc.
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