python - Function is not getting called -
i have below code have 2 functions print_menu() , pstockname()
def print_menu(): print ("\t\t\t\t 1. stock series ") print ("\t\t\t\t 2. invoke stocks.") print ("\t\t\t\t 3. generate dc stock list . ") print ("\t\t\t\t 4. quit") def pstockname(): global stocklist, fstocklist pstocklist = [] fstocklist = [] stocklist = str(raw_input('enter pipe separated list of stocks : ')).upper().strip() items = stocklist.split("|") count = len(items) print 'total distint stock count : ', count items = list(set(stocklist.split("|"))) # pipelst = stocklist.split('|') # pipelst = [i.split('-mc')[0] in stocklist.split('|')] # pipelst = [i.replace('-mc','').replace('-mc','').replace('$','').replace('^','') in stocklist.split('|')] pipelst = [i.replace('-mc', '').replace('-mc', '').replace('$', '').replace('^', '') in items] # pipelst = [stock.rsplit('-mc',1)[0] stock in pipelst] filepath = '/location/stock_data.txt' f = open(filepath, 'r') lns in f: split_pipe = lns.split(':', 1) if split_pipe[0] in pipelst: index = pipelst.index(split_pipe[0]) pstocklist = split_pipe[0] + "|" fstocklist.append(pstocklist) del pipelst[index] # f.close() lns in pipelst: print + lns, ' wrong stock name' + bcolors.endc if lns: uresp = str(raw_input('do want continue option 0 [yes|y|no|n] : ')).upper().strip() if uresp == "no" or uresp == "n": os.system("tput clear") print + "\n please use option 0 enter stock names before proceeding." + bcolors.endc # stocklist = none print_menu() else: pstockname() f.close()
in above code must seeing in 4th last line calling print_menu() function. printing content of print_menu() function not doing operation , going pstockname() function. follow operation want execute print_menu() function when calling it:
while choice >= 1 , choice < 4: if choice == 4: os.system("tput clear") if stocklist: uresp = str(raw_input( + 'do need move : ' + stocklist + ' ? press y go main menu , n quit [yes|y|no|n] : ')).upper() if uresp == "no" or uresp == "n": print bcolors.header + "goodbye." + bcolors.endc break
i mean when calling print_menu() function in pstockname() function in 4th last line pstockname() function should print content of print_menu() function , when press 4 should perform operation quit. when pressing of option 1 4 going pstockname() function only.
please me doing wrong here.
i'm bit new here, not see assign keyboard input variable "choice". therefore, program not recognize end user input is. suggestion assign "choice" raw_input so:
choice = raw_input() if choice == "4": # alternatively, perform int(choice) == 4 print ("yes")
i hope helps!
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