android - How to make Range_Seek_bar move in steps (not smooth) -

i try library : repository : compile ''

and need make seek bar move in steps library doesn't support steps movement there solution, or other libs issue

this lib xml :

 <                         android:id="@+id/well_range"                         android:layout_width="match_parent"                         android:layout_height="wrap_content"                         rsb:paddingend="10dp"                         android:layout_margintop="22dp"                          rsb:activecolor="#a96b21"                         rsb:absoluteminvalue="0"                         rsb:absolutemaxvalue="10"                         rsb:alwaysactive="true"                         rsb:showlabels="false"                         rsb:barheight="4dp"                         rsb:defaultcolor="#efefef"                         rsb:thumbdisabled="@mipmap/range_seek_bubble_brown"                         rsb:thumbnormal="@mipmap/range_seek_bubble_brown"                         rsb:thumbpressed="@mipmap/range_seek_bubble_brown"                         rsb:valuesabovethumbs="false" /> 

enter image description here

maybe this library or this one can solve problem.

i remember using first library , has method handle progress.for eg:-

seek_time.setonrangebarchangelistener(new onrangebarchangelistener() {              @override             public void onindexchangelistener(rangebar rangebar, int leftthumbindex,                     int rightthumbindex) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub          }); 


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