c# - Call to sybase stored procedure doesn't always return correct number of rows when using the data -

i'm having simple application calling stored procedure in sybase using odbcconnection. think working inconsistent , can't tell why.

after calling stored procedure put in list> , make result xml , save on disc.

when running application , calling same stored procedure different results every once , while. stored procedure simple , should return 1800 rows.


select   column1         ,column2 database..table 

call database:

public list<dictionary<string, object>> getdatafromdb(string dbconnection, string sp) {         var result = new list<dictionary<string, object>>();         using (var con = new odbcconnection(dbconnection))         {             con.open();             using (var cmd = con.createcommand())             {                 cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;                 cmd.commandtext = sp;                 cmd.commandtimeout = 15;                 var reader = cmd.executereader();                  result = getdatafromquery(reader);             }         }         return result; }  private list<dictionary<string, object>> getdatafromquery(idatareader reader) {         var cols = new string[reader.fieldcount];         (var ordinal = 0; ordinal < reader.fieldcount; ordinal++)             cols[ordinal] = reader.getname(ordinal);          var retlist = new list<dictionary<string, object>>();          while (reader.read())             retlist.add(cols.todictionary(t => t, t => reader[t]));          return retlist;  } 

and xml method:

public xdocument toxml(string collectionname, ienumerable<dictionary<string, object>> data) {         xml = new xdocument(             new xelement("table",                 new xattribute("name", collectionname),                     x in data                         select new xelement("row", x.select(y => new xattribute(y.key, y.value))))); } 

to save xml use .save(path).

so, getdatafromdb not return rows should, time. it's working mostly, maybe 1 out of 5 wrong. i've tried put reader datatable , count rows, , it's 1800. somewhere rows getting lost, guess getdatafromquery... xml contains 300 rows, , 1800.

xml sizes

can me see problem is?


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